Contained rage

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The light reflecting off the moon danced around the almost empty room. A blob of spiky blond hair was visible on the poor excuse of a bed. Slowly sitting up he remembered he had moved out of Tsunade's home and decided to live on his own. He hated depending on people. Just made him feel useless. Raising his arms stretching up high, a satisfied groan escaped his lips. Lowering them he smiled. Silence. His dull blue eyes lingered around his room. He lazily looked at his clock. 4:30 AM it read.

His apartment wasn't special. It was small, his furniture took up all the space. His kitchen was pathetic, the walls of his room were painted orange. The other walls in the house were brown. He had a short desk next to his bed, And a closet. At least he had a good view, he told himself. This place was the only thing the council would let him rent. Truly pathetic. He wouldn't tell Tsunade. He never liked to complain unlike his his mask.

Sighing, he couldn't help to think about the emotionless raven. Ever since he brought him back 3 months ago. They haven't talked since. "Fucking ungrateful asshole." He growled.

The village and the council didn't even punish the petty Uchiha when he returned. Everyone treated him like a god, and even started treating me worse than before. That asshole treated everyone like shit. And even became even more cold.

We did train together. Yeah, of course with Kakashi sensei and Sakura, But he wouldn't speak to me at all. Not a single word. His eyes were as cold as ever.

Im not that stupid.
I know he had a mask, like me.

'I despise him so much' , Naruto thought angrily, his eyebrows knitting together.

They're spars were viscous. Only Kakashi saw the violent swings the raven would throw at Naruto. Naruto always kept his anger from showing. He had to act "Happy" at all times. The fight always looked one sided, but Kakashi knew better.

Naruto would try to avoid his blows and dodge his hits, but both shinobi always ended up destroying the training ground. Sasuke did become quite irascible when it came to the blond. He didn't even call him dobe anymore.

Kurama had taken everyone's memories and unintentionally the memories of them both having feelings for each other. The feelings were still there, but both shinobi's refused to acknowledge it. We all know Sasuke is gay as a rainbow. I mean? come on.

As Naruto's mask was back. He acted as the dead-last everyone thought he was. Acted like a fool, pranked everyone. He was loud and obnoxious. Always screaming about that one day he would be Hokage,"Believe it!" He would always stare down at the person who doubted him. Since everyone's memories were erased. Naruto falling apart never happened.

But He did remember what he did to Kuro. He made him suffer. His heart ached just to the thought of it, but all he did was smile. All he could do was smile. Smiling "Cheerfully" he sat up walking to his small bathroom.

Striping his clothes off he stepped inside the shower. Cold water attacked his tan toned body. His left hand reached for the green shampoo bottle. He pored the lemon scented liquid onto his palm. Shutting his eyes, he softly scrubbed his spiky hair. Humming to himself he rinsed his hair and grabbed the soap rubbing it on his chest and other parts of his body.

He stared quietly at his hands, as the cold water splashed violently on him removing the soap. Completely rinsing his body.

I can feel it tearing slowly at the seams.

Red liquid appeared on his hands. Dripping with the cold water. Blinking his eyes quickly, it disappeared.

Sighing, he turned off the water faucet. Stepping out wrapping a white towel loosely around his hips. Naruto had quite the body. He was around the height of 5'9. Shorter than Sasuke. His arms weren't big, but still very toned. He very skinny since he barely ate but none less he was very attractive. His V-line was jaw dropping.

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