6. Not Alone

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So far the ride to the diner had been quiet, but I could practically hear the silent questions zinging between Gabe and Victor. "Alright Trouble," Gabe started, twisting around to face me, those hypnotic eyes of his studying my face. "Who was he?"

I poked my bottom lip with my finger, avoiding his gaze. I didn't think them knowing who Rocky was would solve anything, and part of me wanted to forget any of it had happened. They'd already had to deal with one of my problems, another one wouldn't help things. In fact, deep down, I was scared it would only push them away.

"He mentioned North," Victor added, meeting my eyes briefly in the rearview mirror. "Is he on the football team?"

Maybe that was a safe answer. "I think so," I said softly. Which wasn't a lie. Rocky hadn't told me he was on the team, but it was a pretty safe bet he was based on his jacket.

"Alright," Victor sighed, and I knew then that he'd caught my hesitation. "Text them what you know," he told Gabe. I shrunk into myself. This wouldn't be good.

"Which is not a whole fucking lot," Gabe muttered, typing into his phone.

"Is that the group text?" I asked.

Gabe glanced at me. "Of course it is. We're going to have words with that degenerate douche canoe."

"Douche canoe?" Victor asked idly, looking over at Gabe as he made a left turn.

"I don't think Trouble's ready for the special language I keep reserved for assholes like that," Gabe explained. He turned to look back at me again. "Trust me Trouble, you're not ready."

I was only half-listening as they continued to banter since I was preoccupied with the fact that they'd sent out the bat signal. They didn't know I secretly called it that, but after hanging out with them the past two weeks I'd learned that things that required a team consultation were blasted out in an on-going group text.

And now all of them would know I'd let someone corner me again. That when Rocky had touched me, I'd only gotten away because he'd allowed me to.

I sighed. How could I even think about applying to the Academy and trying to help others if I couldn't even help myself?

"Hello to you too, North," Gabe said, pressing his phone to his ear. He immediately pulled it away, and I could hear North's booming voice without too much difficulty. "Of course she's with us," Gabe replied. He twisted toward me, holding the phone out. "Trouble will you calm him down?"

I took the phone hesitantly, afraid of what North was thinking. "Hello?"

"Sang baby? Fuck, are you all right?" North shouted.

"Tell him you have precious eardrums, Trouble. He doesn't need to sound like a fucking cannon when he's trying to emote or whatever," Gabe advised.

"Tell Gabe I said to eat it," North said hotly, still loud enough for Victor and Gabe to hear. Both of them just laughed as North continued, "Sang?"

"I'm still here," I said. "I'm ok. It was nothing."

"Nothing? Gabe said the asshole touched you?"

"Barely," I corrected, biting my lip. I examined the spot where Rocky had grabbed my forearm and hoped they wouldn't notice the red indentations where his fingers had been. It would bruise, but it would be faint. Maybe I could hide it.

"But he touched you," North deadpanned, his voice like steel.

"I'm fine. You don't have to worry, ok?"

He muttered a string of curses before sighing. "Could you put Gabe back on?" I wordlessly passed the phone back and listened to Gabe's half of the conversation, certain North was mad. After another minute Gabe hung up and shared a look with Victor, and I didn't even bother asking what North had said. I didn't want to know. If he was at the diner now I'd be seeing him soon enough, and the thought made my stomach twist uncomfortably.


I followed Gabe and Victor slowly, not wanting to face North, not wanting to be reminded of my own faults. I took interest in the renovations they'd done, smiling at the tiny details that could only be Luke, excited to see the place up and running as much as the Taylors were, Uncle especially. He was proud of this place, proud of his boys, and he should be. They were wonderful... and I was a disappointment.

"How did it happen?" I swallowed and stopped completely, hearing North grilling Victor and Gabe. I moved over to the mural Gabe had been working on this past week, trying to tune out the guilt I felt with North's words. "Who the fuck was he?"

"Psst. Hey."

I turned and saw Luke peering around the corner, back near where the restrooms were. He motioned for me to join him and I glanced back toward the kitchens guiltily. Luke shook his head and stretched out his hand, and I hesitated a second before joining him, unsure what he was up to. He pulled me behind the corner with him, out of view from the front of the restaurant. Since the restrooms were single stalls they'd placed a little wooden bench in the space for people who were waiting, and Luke tugged me into the seat beside him.

"Are you ok?" he whispered.

"Yes. Is North really mad?"

He shook his head. "Can I tell you a secret?" I nodded, stilling when his hand came to rest on the side of my face, his fingers trailing down my cheek. "He's only mad he wasn't there."

"Sang?" North shouted, his voice closer. It was like he'd heard us, and I knew hiding from him wouldn't make things any better.

Luke met my gaze and I nodded slowly. "We're back here, North," he murmured.

North appeared from around the corner, looking between the two of us curiously. Luke stood and moved toward the doorway where Gabe and Vic were standing. I was studying North's shoes now, watching the heavy boots close the space between us. "Are you ok?" he asked. His voice was different somehow, the words thick with an emotion I couldn't pinpoint. I nodded as North took a seat beside me. "Did Rocky hurt you?" I glanced up at him, surprised. "Of course it was Rocky, he's the only one who matched Gabe's description," North said gruffly, his intense brown eyes still looking me over critically.

"Gabe's description?" I asked, turning my arm slightly so that he wouldn't see the bruise.

"He looked like the douchebag teen villain in those eighties movies," Gabe clarified.

"Which one?" Luke wondered as North reached for my arm. I couldn't help wincing, and his eyes darkened when they met mine.

"All of them," Gabe replied, and Victor nodded, agreeing.

"North?" I whispered. "I'm fine. Really."

"I can't let him do shit like this to you, baby," he said, his voice low, a warning.

I shook my head. "I shouldn't have let him get that close." A buzzing sounded and Victor pulled out his cellphone, stepping away to take a call. "Please, North. Just let it go," I pleaded. "It's my own problem, I can handle it."

"Sang baby, you're not alone anymore," he reminded. "This isn't just your problem now, ok? It's ours, too."

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