Chapter 7: Can't? Or Won't?

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I woke up with a killer headache and I couldn't help but want to be sick. I climbed out of bed and found the bathroom throwing up. My head hurt more when I moved and I sniffled.

"Y/N?" I heard Rosie mumble from outside the bathroom.

"Yeah?" I groaned.

"Are you okay? It's 5am."

"No. I don't feel very well. Sorry."

"It's okay. Clean yourself up and I'll get you some paracetamol and water."


I stood up and grabbed my toothbrush. I brushed my teeth and then used mouthwash. My mouth felt funny but I didn't care. It smelt a little better.

Walking out of the bathroom Rosie helped me to the bed. I climbed in bed and sat on it as Rosie passes me the drink and the tablet. I took them as Rosie smiled.

"It's too bright in here." I mumbled.

"Okay. I'll turn it off but I'm a little scared of the dark." She admitted.

"Me too."

Rosie smiled and nodded.

"In my bag I have my nightlight but I didn't wanna seem childish." I blushed.

Rosie got off the bed and went to my bag. She pulled it out and placed it on the top. The light was battery powered so she placed it on as stars and a moon appeared on the ceiling.

"They are pretty." Rosie climbed in the bed.

My head is still hurting and I can't seem to make it stop. Once Rosie was laid in the bed I cuddled into her. She was warm and I felt quite cold. She wrapped her arms around me and held me close. Is this really what parents do.

"Sleep." She whispered.

I nodded and let me eyes close over as my head was pounding. Sniffling I eventually fell asleep.

Waking up I had a headache still, my eyes grew accustomed to the darkness in the room. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. The darkness of the room was great for my head, this left me with less of a headache.

"Morning." Rosie mumbles and sits up.

"Hi." I croaked.

"Don't talk it'll make your voice worse."

I nodded and cuddled into the pillows. They were comfortable and I sighed.

"You wanna go back to the orphange? To rest?"

I shook my head and sniffled. I won't go back. I have nothing there for me.

"Are you saying this because you can't? Or won't?"

I blushed a little and put two fingers up signalling the second option.

"Alright. Let's get you more meds. It's 10am."

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