Chapter 8: Getting To Know You

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Rosie helped me down the stairs as I smelt soup. I was entirely confused as I sat in the living room. Rose walked in and passed me a hot bowl of soup. I smiled and nodded thanking her.

"How bad do you feel?" Rose asjed sitting next to me.

I put my thumb down and showed that it was bad. Rosie told me not to talk to right now, I don't talk. Rose sighed as I rubbed my head. The soup bowl felt warm, as I held it close. I took my first taste and it was so hot and it felt nice.

"Good." I rasped.

Rose started laughing at me. I pouted then she stopped thinking she offended me.

"No. You just reminded me of Lauren Jauregui." She stuttered out quick.

I nodded and smiled widely. I got my phone out and showed her my lockscreen.

Rose squealed and laughed

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Rose squealed and laughed.

"I love Lauren too. But Camila is my favourite. Even though she left." I pulled a face.

I disliked Camila. I don't know wht but it was one of those things. She left the group when they needed her the most. She hangs around with fuckboys and she isn't any good anyway. I'm sorry if that offends anyone but I don't care.

I shook my head at her.

"You don't like her?" She asked.

I nodded, I had to be honest.

"Okay. What do you like to watch?"

I raised an eyebrow at her. How am I suppose to answer? I just sat and drank my soup.

"Wanna watch TV?" I nodded.

Eventually Rose put Supergirl (You know who you are ;) ) on and I squealed. I like this show but I was still drinking soup. Once I finished my attention changed from my soup to Sueprgirl. This show is so cool.

I cuddled up to Rose as Rosie came into the room. She sat the otherside of me as she placed the blanket over me. I cuddled into it as she gave me my teddy too. I hummed and yawned. My eyes were hurting because I had a headache still.

"Sleep Y/N. It's okay." Rosie mumbled.

I nodded as sleep started to take over.

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