Annoying boyfriend

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Hey everyone, in this one shot Andras is a vampire and Venice his boyfriend and mate is a human.

://Venice's POV

I'm mad, I'm upset!, I'm angry!!, I'm cross!!!, I'm irritated!!!!, I'm pissed!!!!!, why you ask oh it's nothing , just my *wonderful boyfriend* won't stop pranking me and you know what's worst they are the classic pranks that I should have expected.

Like last week Sunday he gave me mayo filled jelly donuts, last week Thursday I got toothpaste filled Oreo, Monday I got powder filled hair and face right before our date, but this, is the absolute worst of them all.

It is Friday and he had not played any more pranks on me since the Monday incident, so naive little me thought he was finally getting rid of his terrible habit and was making a change for the better. We were having a small get together at our home, I was wearing my favorite shirt and my very expensive shorts that he bought {they make my butt look goood;-) } 

We were dancing with some friends when he ask me if i wanted and thing to drink, I told him I only wanted Pepsi. A minute later he returned with a cup full of Pepsi and a couple ice, I was there drinking and minding my own business when suddenly the whole cup of Pepsi exploded all over me messing up my makeup and staining my outfit. Which leads us to why this one emotion is running through my body at the moment.

I turned to look at him and saw him smirking, "This is the final straw," I screamed before storming off to our bedroom,"well mine now," I mumbled to myself while locking the latch on the door " because he's sleeping in one of the guest rooms."

I was in such a bad mood that I just took a bathe and went to bed, completely ignoring the knocking outside the door.

The next morning I woke up really late, since he's usually the one to wake me up. I took a bath threw on a very tight short red shorts , a black tank top and my black converse, then i walk right pass him sitting on the couch and out the door without even a good morning.

://Andras's POV

"Oh shit he's definitely angry," I mumbled to myself, "I'm going to have to make it up to him when he get home, starting with his favorite food for dinner."

When everything was set I sat down and waited for him.

He came home an hour later  I ran up to hug him and apologize but stopped five feets away and stared. He had in  sterling silver tongue stud, bracelet and earring.

"Babe come on, " I groaned, he looked at me and smirked that's when I noticed the bag in his hand,"what's that," I asked, "my dinner," he replied, "but I cooked your favorite meal," I argued.
"I feel like eating Italian food, BITE ME!," he said sassily before walking off to our bedroom.

I ate in the kitchen by myself while thinking of ways to get him to forgive me, then I remembered the fair was in town, "maybe a date would help," I thought to myself.
"Babe, " I called as I knock on the door, "the fair is in town let's go on a date, but drive your car and brush your teeth."

Time skip

We've been at the fair for two hours and can you believe Venice had been in the hall of mirrors from the moment we arrived,it's not even funny.
I just sent a text to him telling him to come out we're going home, good this boy is spiteful.

://Venice POV

We were on our way home when Andras sent me a text saying I should head on home he has something to pick up.
About 20 minutes after I've arrived home, Andras came home with two bouquets of flowers, he place them on the table along with a small box containing a gold necklace then the bowed his head and apologized while promising to never play a prank on me again. I was so touched by his apology I went to hug him, but he kept backing away from me until he eventually ended up in the bathroom, I got confused then, really upset and started yelling at him, that's when he reminded me that I was still wearing my vampire proof jewellery. I laughed to myself as I took them off, afterall two days was enough without my babe and I wanted him deep inside me right now. 😉😉


Thank you so for reading, hope you enjoyed it comment if you did.😊😊😘😘😘

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