Making Good Things Out of Summer (Part 1)

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In my small, yet bright room, I sat on my favorite stool chair while reading a book held by my hands. It was my perfect part of the day when I can be able to concentrate on the details the book was describing. I really love books-that's for sure. Even though I only started reading novels a year and half ago-when I had an inspiration that brought me up into this new kind of hobby-was still one of my best reasons of why I was able to say that I love reading books, especially novels.

The clock on the top of my desk showed that it was exactly three in the afternoon. I don't have the idea how long I've been reading, so instantly, I dropped the book out of my hands then stood up. A few stretching made my body feel the exhaustion it had been keeping from the all day reading activity.

The sunshine was utterly hot. It directly passed through my window where my desk -full of my school's stuffs-was placed had emitted a plenty amount of heat for me to say that summer is going to run differently. A way hot different.


It was Saturday-one of my favorite days in the week where I was able to spend my whole day reading my newly bought books: the twilight saga was the latest. I've saved up my last month's allowance after discovering that the town's only bookstore, The Book Café, already had the stocks of the book I was waiting for the last three months. I rarely even tried to buy snacks, just to save the single penny I have in my wallet.

Asking dad for the money to buy the books had been the first suggestion of my friends. But I've told them that it's much better to earn and to have something from your own pocket-although the idea was there that it is also my dad who was the one gives me my allowance-and that's when sentimental value takes place. The very thing that you have gained from the sacrifice of your own sweat with the aid of your will was certainly way much different in terms of value from the one which was just asked and given.

Saturdays were also the time where I could be able to finish my assignments, which I now thankfully appreciate because it was gradually decreasing as the days to graduation was coming.

Saturdays, sometimes, give me an impression that it should not be on my Favorite-Days-Of-The-Week list for the fact that on that day I would again see Jimmy-my one and only crush in the school campus.

The fact that I would be seeing him this afternoon made me flinch in a shortest period of time. How am I supposed to face him again? Am I already prepared for the upcoming interaction? Arg! I'm just over reacting again. It would be just another ordinary day, nothing really special about it.

Also, Mondays and Fridays were respectively next in my Favorite-days-of-the-week list.

Monday was the first day of the week where me and my classmates usually chit chat about the happenings on our weekends but sometimes ends up to gossips concerning other people-especially the popular ones-which I actually thought about that it would be better to stop doing that. It's kind of rude to talk other people's business-particularly if you're not close to that person.

It was Rebecca who was the one who always starts the conversations and Julie would eventually laugh at the end after listening to our stories. Julie-just like me-was also never fond of talking other people's personal agenda, it makes her feel guilty. But Rebecca keeps initiating the conversation leaving me tamed by the stimulating curiosity.

Gossips were not actually the reason why I have chosen Monday to be on my Favorite-Days-Of-The-Week list, it was the bonding that I have to get from my closest classmate friends. Even though Julie and Rebecca wasn't intense of being fond as I am on Mondays, I still got an impression that they both were starting to like it, since the day to graduation was coming, and there would be no more time to spend for a bonding hour when the final examination was likewise coming. Preparation was indeed a necessity for us to graduate. If we failed, well we might probably... I really don't have the idea what would be the consequence-I never really thought about it because I was certain that I would be getting a passing grade or much higher the grades expected by the others. Talk about lots of confidence.

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