im sorry

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hey every one sorry I haven't been editing lately.


"Oh my God get away from me you monster! "I yelled a flash of pain went through his face

"I'm not a monster I just want to love you." he said as a tear fell down his face

I all of a sudden felt guilty

"Look I'm sorry I just never seen anything like this before. "I said as i held my arms out for him to hug me

"Its ok ."he said  

no its not I shouldn't have said that niall im sorry. I say

no angel it truly is fine. I love you so I don't mind.

how can you say that niall I just called you a monster

you cant just be ok with that. I shouldn't have said that because im a nerd im ugly and im bullied so I cant talk.

with that he started to walk towards me. I then saw a flash and I was pushed against the wall his eyes were a crimson red.

he said "don't ever say you are ugly again you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen. and those people are ass holes if they cant see that.

he was scaring me so finally when he loosened his grip I ran as fast as I could  only once looking back.

for a quick glance he had a stray tear quickly sliding down his face I felt so bad but I couldn't turn back now.                     

im niall horan will you be my date?Where stories live. Discover now