Weekend at the Novak's PT.1

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Mini A/N
  Ok so the last chapter was set on a Monday and now it's Friday. So please enjoy the chapter :)

Sam's P.O.V
Alright I got my toothbrush, toothpaste, pajamas, outfit for tomorrow and Sunday, socks, and extra underwear. Is that all I need? Oh crap, I forgot the extra candy for Gabe. Ok yes I've started feeling something for Gabe. But I'm not the only one. It's so obvious that Michael likes Lucifer. Dean on the other hand is trying to hide it. After all the captain of the football team isn't allowed to be gay. He totally likes Castiel though.

     And this weekend we're gonna have a sleepover with everyone, and by everyone I mean Gabe, Michael, Dean, Castiel, Lucifer, Crowley( I like Crowley so I don't wanna make him a bully:)), Abbadon, Charlie, Jo, Benny, Anna, Meg, Kevin, two of my friends, Garth and Jess, and Dean said he's gonna bring some friends. I hope he doesn't bring Lisa. She's annoying, always whining or acting like she's better than anyone. Charlie doesn't like her either from what I heard. Something about ruining her Destiel ship.

~~~~~Flashback to this morning~~~~~ ( Still Sam's P.O.V )
"Heya Samoose I need to tell you something", Gabe says. I close my math textbook and look into his (dreamy) eyes. "Yeah what's up", I say. "The roof", he replies looking serious then laughing at me. I give him a bîtchface and roll my eyes. "Alright so me and Cassie have decided to, drum roll please, have a sleepover", he says smiling that adorable smile he does.

  "Cool who's coming", I ask him. "Well me and you obviously, um Lucifer and Michael, is he ever gets around to ask him, Cassie's gonna ask Dean later, and he said he'll invite his other friends too", he said. I nod my head in agreement," is it ok if I bring Jess and Garth", I ask. When I met Jess in the beginning of the year I thought she was really pretty, but ever since Gabe came, I've started to have feelings for both of them so it's a little complicated. "Yeah that'll be fine", he says smiling.

    Castiel's P.O.V (Still the morning)
        "Ok Angel-face, do you think Stucky or Stony is better", Charlie asks me, glaring at Kevin. "Mmm I personally ship.... Stucky", I say laughing a bit. Kevin rolls his eyes and starts arguing with Charlie about how Stony is way better. "Angel-face can you handle this fool", Charlie says looking at me. She gave me the nickname Angel-face a few days ago because apparently I remind her of an angel.

    Me, Anna, Jo, and Benny all start laughing as Charlie keeps arguing with Kevin. My phone chimes and I take it out and see a message,

Sam said he's in and he's bringing two other friends. Did you ask you're group and Dean-O?

    I slap my forehead and groan. "You okay brother", Benny asks me. "Yeah I just forgot to ask you guys if you wanted to sleepover at my house this weekend, me and my brothers and some of their friends are coming so I was wondering if you guys wanted to go", I tell them. "Well I'm down I got nothing to do this weekend", Charlie says smiling. "I'll ask my mom but I'm pretty sure I can go", Kevin tells me.

    "My dad will let me go, he's headed to Montana and I was gonna have to stay with my aunt, but yeah I can go", Benny says. "I'll just have someone else pick up my shift at the diner, but I'll just ask if I can go", Jo says. "I will go but can I bring my sister Meg", Anna asks me. I smile at her "Of course that's fine." She smiles back and looks down to her tray. I met Meg the same day I met Anna, she's a nice person once you get to know her and she loves her family, but for some reason she always calls me Clarence. She hangs out with Lucifer and his group of friends, but she's a nice person.

~~~~Time Skip To End Of The Day~~~~
     (Still Castiel's P.O.V)

     "Ooh we should have a Harry Potter marathon", Charlie says while putting her stuff in her binder. "Charles other people are gonna be there, not just us", Kevin says rolling his eyes. Charlie scoffs at him," who doesn't love Harry Potter? It's Harry Potter for cryin' out loud!" Me and Kevin start laughing at her as she continues saying people are stupid if they don't like Harry Potter.

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