Blank Pages

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     Lucy paced back and forth in front of the door to the new book shop. The building towered over the 17 year old. It was structured like a castle, the exterior was a pale gold with a silver sparkle trim. The sign atop the door read "Tela Varlet." She couldn't believe that she is the only one in line on opening day. Maybe everyone didn't want to stand in line or need any new books. Her heart fluttered at the thought of adding more books to her collection. Her eyes glanced down at her watch hoping that the minute hand and the hour hand had settled on the 12. To her disappointment the minute hand is five minutes away.

     When the two hands finally joined together an elderly man opened the door. "Welcome to Tela Varlet where the books are so enchanting that they take you to a new world." The man said with a bright smile and a childlike glint in his eyes. He gestured for young Lucy to come inside as he held the door.

     As the girl stepped inside the scent of gingerbread and strawberries overtook her senses. "Thank you." She spoke, nodding to him as she passed by. She immediately headed to the fantasy section with her heart filled with the hope of finding a new book.

     She scanned the shelves marveling at all the intricate designs on the bindings of the books. It appeared that the covers were made of cloth and that the patterns were etched in, and when she grabbed a book of the shelf and grazed her hand along the binding what she saw was confirmed. As her fascination with the design wore off she noticed that the book had no title or an author. Her features became puzzled with confusion. She traded that book for another on the shelf, this one too had nothing written on the cover. She repeated this process with several more books.

     An idea had finally struck her; maybe the title and author were on the inside. If this were to be true this would be the first time her eyes had ever seen it. She opened the book to the first page; nothing, absolute nothing was written. She flipped through the pages finding more nothing.

     "Hey!" She stormed up to the front desk were the old man was. "Why is there nothing in this book, any of the books?" She slides the book across the desk. The book nudged his arm, wrinkling the edge of his plaid sleeve.

He picked up the book with a blank expression. His index finger on his left hand ran across the binding. "I think you should take a look again." He said with a monotone voice as he held the book out to Lucy.

     Her hands grasped the cloth cover and she flipped to a random page. "See right here there's-!" A bright purple light illuminated the pages. The world around her began to swirl; her stomach doing somersaults. The delicious aroma of the room turned to a putrid scent that the young girl could not identify. The last thing she saw was the friendly smile of the elderly man before her ice blue eyes rolled into the back of her head and she passed out.


     Lucy lied on the dirt floor of the earth, trees towering like skyscrapers and branches feathering out like a canopy connecting to every other tree. Barely any light could shine through the entangled branches. Next to her lied a raven haired woman with a deep gash on her forehead.

     When Lucy was teleported to this new world she had miraculously kicked the passing woman in the back. This sent the middle aged woman to fall over and hit her head against a sharp rock, killing her instantly. On the other hand Lucy fell onto the earth floor mixed with a leaf bedding.

     Lucy groaned in as she came to. Golden brown leaves had woven themselves into her ice blonde hair, dirt smudged her pale skin. "What?....Where am I?" She spoke to thin air as she looked around. There were a few birds, squirrels, and other tiny forest animals running about. She lifted herself up off the ground after a few tries; her balance was slightly off as she began to walk around to try to figure out her surroundings. Everything around her was fuzzy and spinning she felt as if she was stuck on one of those rides that spinned you so fast that you stuck to the wall behind you.

     She braced herself against a tree not even two feet away from where she had landed. Her head began to throb with a searing pain. The girl cried out as her body began to convulse. Her lungs fought against her chest making it difficult for the 17 year old to breath. She could feel her heart palpitate in her hands as they shook violently. Her screams grew louder as the pain intensified in mighty bursts that felt like hot knives being stabbed into her body.

     A moment later the pain began to dissolve from her system. Her heart pounded against her chest as she tried to steady her breathing. The brisk air prickled her lungs and throat as she gulped down air like water. Her hands still shook though not with pain but with fear. Why had this happened? What was it? Were some of the many thoughts that raced around the tracks in her head.

     When her heart rate slowed and her breathing steadied she set off again looking around for anything that could tell her where she was. There was a forest that was around her little town, maybe that was where she was. Though she had never seen trees like these before. She stood in awe as she studied the height of the trees. There were little orbs of blue-gold hanging off the branches. They had an enchanting glow as well as a scent that smelled like roses and raspberries.

     Lucy stuck her foot in a notch on the tree and lifted herself up. She climbed to the closest orb she could see. Her mind seemed to be controlled by the beauty and aroma of the orbs. Her left hand reached out to grab the orb but when her finger came into contact with blue-gold item she was blasted back with bits of electricity. She flew out of the tree, her body colliding with the tree behind her.

     Her lungs struggled to regain air just like how the girls eyes struggled to remain open. "Stupid blue orbs!" She whisper yelled as she laughed to herself at how ridiculous all this was. "I have to be dreaming or hallucinating or something because there is no way that that just happened." Her laugh grew hysterical as she clutched her stomach. Her laughter died off and she stood back up. "Might as well explore this weird dream of mine." She picked a few leaves out of her hair then set off once more.

     It seemed to only be seconds until she found herself trapped in a net and swinging from a branch.  

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