Illusions and Animals

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     The darkness of the night was followed by the morning light. The sky was transformed into an array of pinks, oranges, yellows, and purples. These colors were like water paint as they bled and blended into each other. The yellow soon swallowed the orange as the purple overtook the pink leaving no remains of the soft color. Before the yellow and purple could declare war the clouds swept them away leaving the now vibrant blue sky.

     The two were fast asleep even with the sun glaring at them. The wild creatures of the forest peaked out at the teenagers that lie on the floor of their home. A squirrel timidly approached the frost haired girl. Though much braver than the rest of the forest creatures, the squirrel did not dare touch the sleeping girl. Soon the girl was surrounded by the beasts, no attention was given to the boy who lied a few feet away. They seemed to gawk at the site of the girl for only a reason known to them. The passing of time gnawed at the creatures minds until one of the doe's gently nudged Lucy's shoulder. She did not stir, not one bit, until one of the many rabbits nibbled on the girl's nose. She scratched her nose as she awoke. Her eyes widened in shock as she scrambled to stand up. The forest animals backed up a little as if they could sense that she needed her space. She was flabbergasted at the site of all these animals, some of them were known enemies but others were known allies. Why were they all here, in front of her? She didn't understand how some of these animals could even stand to be around each other or didn't run in fear away from their natural predators.

     It was an insane predicament that made no sense at all. Lucy brushed her hair behind her ears with gasping eyes that shielded a brain wondering a thousand questions. A small brown bear stepped forward, striding towards the girl. His coat shimmered in the light as the bear walked. Stopping only a few inches from the girl the bear indicated for her to touch his head, nudging her arm. This whole situation felt foreign to the frost haired girl.

     Slowly and hesitantly the girl did reach out towards the bear. Right when her fingertip touched his head her eyes clouded over as her heart sped up. The air she breathed felt hazy as she tried to see anything she could. Soon images played in her head like a slideshow. It seemed that the images were showing two babies being set on the cold earth by a man dressed like a medieval knight. His helmet shadowed all of his features; the babies wailed loudly, their voices sounded like thunder and struck the knight's heart like lightning, making the perfect thunder storm.

     But the knight had no choice so he left them their to be washed away by their own tears. Soon a woman dressed in white appeared her soft brown eyes casted over the lament cries coming from the children. The woman's dark skin made the clothes she wore seem even more vibrant, they even seemed to glow. Her right arm casted out to the forest. Animals of all nature unveiled themselves from the forest. Lions of towering height circled the white lady waiting for a command. This woman kneeled down before the children, she scooped them up into her arms and rocked them to sleep while the animals sung their a lullaby like no other.

     When the sun began to rise was when the cries were truly vanquished. The woman had the children bundled up in a crib not too far away from her; the animals were attending to the infants. Birds sung a sweet melodies as the lion cubs snuggled against the babies to give them warmth. The house that the woman was keeping the infants in was small and made of earth. There didn't seem to be any hallways or doors that could lead to a bedroom. Animals that have never been gazed upon by any other eye besides the woman were inside and out of this small home.

The woman was cooking with a small pot over in a small corner. She wore a bright smile that brought a sense of happiness to every creature around.

The images began to fade and speed up until they became a blur of dull colors. With a gasp of air the images were gone and so were the animals. When Lucy's vision cleared she was struggling for oxygen, it was if those images were feeding off every piece of oxygen she had in her body. Her gasps were loud and far apart. Spots danced around her eyes, pain prickled her throat, the girl was choking on any oxygen that could manage its way into her lungs.

Jasper had finally woken. He seemed to be in a daze that was not allowing him to fully wake up. His mind was still in a dreamlike state as his body was in reality.

Next to him Lucy had been able to figure out how to successfully get air in her lungs. Her left and was on her chest as it puffed up and down. Her eyes were in the back of her head as she ravished herself in the oxygen that went fluidly down her throat. The girl's breaths became steady, this she was grateful for. It seemed that the poor girl couldn't get a break.

The boy whom she was with, was in a trance of poisonous thoughts. His mind was entangled in the web of the darkness of his own mind; the spider just kept spinning the web around him. In reality his body was convulsing as this took place in his mind. His arms and legs bound against his body as the web of his mind tightened.

Lucy rushed over to him once she had noticed; she started to shake him, hoping that this was just some nightmare. This was a nightmare but not the average one from where she was from. Here, wherever she was, this was the normality of Nightmares. The magic inside of them would manifest overtime, growing large enough until it could take over the body of the host. Thankfully this Nightmare had not gained enough power.

In the boy's mind he ripped himself free from the web; this set his mind free from the captivity of the Nightmare. He awoke fully with a burst of life. His eyes open wide as he looked around at his surroundings. Lucy was a few feet away staring at him; wondering what was it that she just witnessed. Was it a demon? A mythical creature that existed only in this world?

"We need to leave, NOW!" Jasper said in a panic. He grabbed Lucy's hand and immediately began to run in a random direction.

"What?! Where are we going?" Confusion weaved itself into her voice tying in a little bit of fear as well.

"We'll both find out when we get there!" That wasn't the most comforting thing he could have said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2017 ⏰

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