Chapter 6

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Harry's POV

The boys and I enter a crowded hallway. "I'm in room 212," I say scanning the room numbers. I look around to see a girl walking towards me. She knocks right into me and crumples onto the floor.

"Oh My God," I breathe as I bend down. The girl's caramel brown hair is fanned out around her head like a halo. Someone rushes over,

"Oh no!" she cries.

"Are you her friend," 

"Yeah, I'm Naomi and thats Alexis," she replies.

"We need to get her out of the hallway!" she says.

"Ok can you grab her stuff?" I ask 

"Sure," she replies, noticing Liam. I make the connection and roll my eyes. I lift the girl up in my arms, and she hangs limply like a rag doll. I carry her into an unnocupied classroom and I lay her flat on the desk. Naomi walks in and gasps.

"What do we do?" she asks 

"I'm not sure, lets just sit here until she wakes up, " I say.

"Ok," she says unsure of what to do. I turn to look at the girl. She looks around 19, and her skin is a light tan colour. Her long legs hang off the desk, and her hands hang limply. I grab one of her hands, desperately trying to squeeze some warmth back into them. All of a sudden, her long eyelashes begin to flutter open.

"She's waking up!" Naomi squeals and rushes over.

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