The Questions we ask ourselves

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~~~~ Misakis POV~

        I slowly opened my eyes to see a dark figure sitting in my desk chair. Damn who was it, I don't think I had anyone over before I collapsed. I quickly move to grab my bat but i realize that its not there. Was it moved?

"My, my, my Misaki you seem to have gotten yourself in a little predicament. You have 2 options either you stay silent and ill make you talk. or you'll talk by yourself about why you have all these scars. Oh and before you say get out i would just like to clarify I just saved you. no, no don't need to be so earnest towards me. Also aren't you hungry I mean it looks like you haven't eaten about 3 months. So pick wisely" The shadow said walking around my room.

I look up as I see the light come on and Saru standing there in the middle of the room his feet pointing towards my spill earlier. I stay silent waiting for him to leave. This is called braking nd entering."Hey Shit-Head thats called braking and entering and I never said that I wanted help, So if you dont mind im gonna go you can leave whenever you want so bye." I say getting up. 

Suddenly I get shoved down and I see a knife pointed at my direction. He looks fairly concerned, As if he has been hating me ever since he left."Misaki I would like you to explain to me why you have almost 50 scars on your stomach and why you have this very deep cut on your cheek. And also why you dont have much food in your fridge. Im gonna count to 10, 1......5....." he starts counting. I look up to see him starting to walk forward.

"FINE HAVE IT YOUR WAY. YOU WANNA KNOW WHY I HAVE THESE SCARS I HAVE THEM BECAUSE OF YOU. EVER SINCE YOU LEFT I HAVE BEEN DEALING WITH DEPRESSION AND I CUT. Jeez maybe next time you can stay out of my life be-"I was cut off by a cloak coming. I close my eyes for the worst but I open the to Saru holding me"H.....Hey what are you doing. Get off you shitty monkey. Go ok you saw what I do so know you can go. Leave. Just Leave." I choke out from the tears. I cant see what he looks like . I just want him gone. I dont want to be hurt like I was last time.

"Misaki why couldn't you come to someone and say this. I thought you might die. I didn't know what to do and on top of it all it was our anniversary. What did you expect I wouldn't notice you have been trying to not be near me. I know you wanna die but not when my whole world is you. Misaki I cant live without you and if I have to I will kill myself as well. Just to be with you" Saru whispers. I cant help but take his hand and kiss his knuckles. The way they are bruised and the fact that he risks his life day for day to save humanity. I think I chose the right guy I love.

"Saru Promise me that you wont leave. That you wont leave me again like you did with homra. I havent seen you in so long and if your gone then I might not have someone to look out for me. Then what fun is there."I say in almost a whisper. I get up and see that I dont have a shirt on but wraps around my stomach. I head to the bathroom thank god he didnt see the tattoo. If he found out that I was going to start working with him in scepter 4 I might just die. I look in the mirror to see the scepter 4 signature on my back. He is going to be my new partner and he doesnt know it yet.

I slowly unwrap the wrap on my stomach and walk out. He would have to find out at some point so know would be great. I walk up to saru and plant my lips on his. We stay like this for a while then he kisses me again deeper and longer. Like the words he has said to me for a long time doesnt matter anymore. I move away to show him what on my back. I have a mirror and I see that he has tears in his eyes" you have the signature but how I mean I know how but why. You are still asssigned to HOMRA right.Right"He says in almost a yelling tone. I think he is to excited.

"Well thats kinda complicated to say. So sit back because I have a lot of explaining to do".

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