The "TEST"

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NO SMUT I DONT DO SMUTTTTTTT!!!!!! T-T I know mi sorry I just cant wrtie about smut. It wouldnt be as good as I would hope. Anyway byeeeeee! See you in the end

                        BACK TO THE STORYs ppl

After the whole explanation process and a very stunned Saru I told him that was it. HE was so astounding the way he looked when He was confused. If only he was actually his speed."Hey......Saru do you have anything to eat? im kinda hungry maybe you could cook something, actually you know what do you just have fruit i dont trust you cooking skills." I say.  He looked surprised when I asked him and got up.

"Mis~Sa~Ki why wouldn't you trust my cooking skills. You are the one that tought me. Im the brains and your more of the girly girl! So tell me why dont you trust me to cook or is it something else in that little mind of yours?" Saru says as he bends down and begins to bite my ear. I react and cry in pain, I should have realized by now that he was gonna do that. I hate having my ears touched or even poked."Awwwww~ someone gonna cry? Maybe you should scream in pain more often?Hmmm~"he says and looks down to see me getting up.

He starts walking over but by then im already dressed." Oi saru give Resei My farewell's. I wont be back for a long time." I say walking to the terrace. (Did I mention the Saruhiko lives in a apartment. If you dont like where Saru lives then you can suck it. But for people who dont care I welcome you.)

I walk out onto the terrace and stand on the ledge its at least a 50 foot drop

(Sorry this was the closest thing that in my head looked like it was a 50 ft drop

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(Sorry this was the closest thing that in my head looked like it was a 50 ft drop. Again with the last little comment if you dont like hyou can fricking hate me. MY STORY)

"Sorry Saru I just cant handle this. It has all gotten to real in the past few months Mikoto dying people leaving. Betrayals by people I love. I just cant" I begin to sob. He looks like he wants to join me but I know he wont."Just know Saru I have always and I will always love you no matter what. Always make sure to say hello to my grave. Ok thats my final request form my beloved"I see him reaching his hand out. I position myself and I fall.

"MISAKKKKKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" saru screams . All of a sudden I see him mouth something then his power being unleashed. By the time im back up im already unconscious and everything black. I hope the test was proven effectively.

( WOW I KEEP TALKING, I should probably shutup now. IM waiting for them to kiss so hopefully that will be in another Story or later. But isnt this at least a little exciting? ANYWAYS PEACE)

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