Practice at the Kindergarten

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(Hopefully this book will be one of your favorites)
*Steven's house*
"Alright you two let's get going to are special practice place" Pearl says happily.
"Yes ma'am" Steven and Connie say at the same time. They all step onto the platform. A beem of light started and they immediately at a dark place. It looked familiar to Steven.  The Kindergarten.
"Um Pearl what are we doing here" Steven asked worried.
"Well since you and Connie have been improving I've decided to give you two a much difficult setting." She smiles. Steven and Connie look at each other puzzled. They step off the platform slowly.
"Alright you two time to fuse."
They nod at each other and fuse.
(Sorry if it was short it was late.  Well hope you guys and girls like it)

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