Chapter 3

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new chapter

Harry's POV

That girl, she was just starring. She started to walk a little, and so i walked up to her and she bumped into me a little. "uhhg sorry" she said, i could tell she's different. "oh it's fine love" i said "are you new," obviously shes new harry, you dumb ass, "yeah i was too busy staring at this castle to notice where i was going" she said while giggleing, wow ok shes cute. then there was kinda an awkward silence, but she broke it. "Well it was nice meeting you, bye." she said, i kinda frowned cause i didn't catch her name. Then she said "oh hey, um could you maybe tell me where the office is?' "Oh yeah sure babe, just go left and all the way on the end." I informed her, i was about to ask her her name but she said somthing before me. "Ok great thanks" wow, ok maybe she didn't want to know my name, or she didn't like me. 

"Way to go harry," i said to myself.

I went over to my "group" *idk why there are these things, they are quite dump, why cant we all be in the SAME group?* whitch consists of all the pollished people. I don't know, i mean i like them all as my friends, but they can get kinda boring somtimes. Anyway, i was walking over there to see what Liam, Louis, and Niall were doing when Julia (idk, i made it up) cock blocks me and walks in front of me. "Hi Harry," she said in her fake ass voice. "Hi" I said not wanting to talk to her right now. "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight?" she asked, ok so yeah, maybe i did somthing I probably shouldn't have, but i was tired of being perfect. "Naahh, i don't think so," i said, then she frowned and sashayed away. *sashayed, thats a weird word* (how do you spell sashayed? idk) Ok I'm so done with that girl. Wow, that made me sound like a dick. I'm not really a dick, i'm just not happy that i did somthing with her and i didnt even like her, or don't like her for that matter. Ok so one night, i was just depressed so i decided to go get some drinks, i didn't get in trouble. Maybe because the people were really dumb, anyways i had some drinks, and then Julia found her way to me. Since i was buzzed, you know, I had sex with her. In the morning I literally wanted to through up. But, in all honesty I 've done before so.

whatever, i'm going to class


when Ashley walks in

Harry's POV: still

I get to history class *literally hate this class, the teacher is creepy* and sit in my usual seat, whitch is in the second row by the window. I talk to Louis who is behind me, about random crap, when the teacher says something and Louis stares at the front of the room. "Hello, and who might you be?" Mr. Kit says. I turn around and see that girl from this morning. "Umm, I'm Ashley." So thats her name. "well hello," god hes so creepy, "you can just find an empty seat wherever." "Ok" she said in her cute voice. *Ok harry you need to stop, she dosn't even like you and you guys are different.* not so different, my conous decides to put in. i smile at her, I don't know why and it's probably creeping her out but whatever. Realizing the seat next to me is empty, and that she's coming over here my smile grows. This should be nice.


Ashley's POV:

I take a seat in the one next to "mystery boy." That's what I've decided to call him until I know his name.

 He is like staring into the side of my face. It's burning, i turn to face him, probably not the best desision. Him and the boy behind him are looking at me, *seriously, people in this school have staring problems* "can i help you guys?' I ask them out of frustration. "No, sorry babe." mystery guy said, "my names harry, by the way." He told me, sticking his hand out for me to shake it. I giggle.  "Harry huh, that's cute," I say *who names their kid Harry?* He blushes. "Hi Harry, Im Ashley. "Yeah now I know your name." Then he winked at me, well alright then.

Harry's POV:

"Yeah now i know your name." I said while winking, shit now i seem desparete. *way to go harry and makeing it all weird*

Ashley's POV:

"Oh, um by the way this is my friend Louis." he said while gesturing to the other guy who was looking at me. "Hi Louis." "Hi, love" he said, shit he has a british accent too. Damn. "So class," the teacher starts to talk so i turn around, "we are going to have a test this comming friday." UUIHHGGG, are you fucking serious, a test? Well good thing it's Monday. I kinda made a huff sound outloud, woops. "Ashley," the teacher is saying somthing to me, "I know you just got here, and since we've been on this subject for a week already, you can take extra hours, or maybe get a tutor," The teacher said. F that im not getting a tutor. The guy, Harry is his name looks over at me and mouths, "I can tutor you?" I mouth back "Thanks but no thanks" I don't need a tutor, I'm actually really good in school, so im sure i'll be fine. I know what you're thinking a not-so-badgirl like me good in school, well I am.

Harry's POV:

The teacher is telling her about maybe getting a tutor, so i thought this would be a good time to get to know her better. So i  mouth "I can tutor you?" *please say yes please say yes* But just my luck she mouths back, "Thanks but no thanks." Wow ok, I can establish that she dosn't like me. Dammit


So third chapter, yeap. I don't know if this one was very good, but whatever.

Byyeeeee <3

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