Chapter 9

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 Ashley's POV:

Dude, I can't believe we don't have school today. So last nights rain turned into a fucking huricane sandy. *don't judge, i know nothing about storms* Stuff was blowing around, and the freaking palm trees almost snapped in half. It was kray.

So I'm just bored out of my mind.


I can't stop thinking about my kiss in the rain though. I mean, it was 'almost' perfect. I'm pretty sure there was hair in my mouth. Wow, how attractive. 

It is true. I ruin everything.


I guess this time wasn't that bad, it was just a kiss, but somthings don't alway's work out for me.

I don't really want to talk about right now though.


It's like 4 o'clock right now. I'm just sitting on my bottom doing nothing, getting fatter.Maybe I'll go on Instagram or somthing.

I don't get it. Why do people have to self harm themselfs, like come on. I guess I'm glad that I don't, but what is the point anyways.

I see all these pictures of people with deep cute on their skin, and I literally almost cry. If somthing that bad is happening in your life that you want to hurt yourself, go get help. Not sit in a fucking corner and stab yourself.

Thank you for listening to my little rant.

Brought to you by this bag of cheetos i am curently eating. *wow, i'm funny*


Now that I am sick of depressing myself over the internet, I'm tired. I got a text from Harry a few minutes ago, but I don't know what to respond.

from: Harry ;) * why is there a winky face by his name? anyway*

Hey babe. How are you on this rainy day. x

It was literally so cute, I almost threw up.

To: Harry ;)

I'm good thanks. You?

From: Harry ;)

Fine. This storm is crap though :|

Aawwe. that straight face doe.

To: Harry ;)

Yeah. Well you have a nice rest of the day. See you tomorrow Harry. :)

From: Harry ;)

Alright love. x ;)

Can he like not with the x's and the winky faces. It's turning me on.



 It's like 7:30 now, and I want food.

"MOM," I yell "Yeah Ashley"

"What are we eating?" 

"Oh, I don't feel like makeing anything tonight so you can find somthing."

Woah, my mom usually always makes food!

"Are you ok mom? You always make supper."

"Yeah, I just have a massive head and stomach ache."

"Ok, then I'll leave you alone."

That was weird, I hope it's nothing bad. She never get's sick.


Uhhhg, I guess I'll just eat some rawmen noodles ( Didn't know how to spell that. i really am a terrible speller) 


Nexy day


What am I going to do? 


Ha, just kidding. Who wears leg warmers?

I don't know what to wear, somthing cute though. Cause ya know, Harry. Ok stop. "hmmm" I think I'll go with, my floral high waisted skirt. my black crop top, with cut off sleves. On top of those, my whit kimono, on my feet I think I'll go with regular black keds. I walk over to my vanity and staighten my ombre hair, that's down to my waist. Now to brush my teeth, and wash my face. 

I don't feel like wearing alot of makeup, so I'll just put some concealer, blush, eyeliner, mascara and my plum lip thingy. Like always. I'm kinda late so I will just skip breakfast. OOO, I'm a rebel. I skiped breakfast.

I'm at school now. Getting out of my car, I see Harry walking up to the doors. Eh, I'll just do my own thing. so I get out of my car, you know those people in the movies do. I felt awesome, really. 

Umm, maybe not the best idea. People started staring at me. Great! I just love it when people stare at me. *um, no. keep your eyeballs to yourself* 

 Whatever, ok. I'm in the building now, and I just want to go home. I see a poster on the wall, it says 'Mascarade valentines dance. 5 dollor entry. Tomorrow, from 6:30 to 10. You better be there.' ewww, I don't want to go. I mean, unless Harry asks me, he probably has other toys though. Wow, I am just downing myself. 


At lunch

It's lunch now, and I am hungry. I get my food and go find a seat. I don't know where to sit.

Harry see me and waves me over to him, but so does Rebecca. Me and her have actually become good friends. We talked alot yesterday, since there was nothing better to do, and she's really cool. I walk up to her.

"He bec, you hear about the dance?"

"Yeah, you gonna go?"

"Dunno, depends on if someone asks me." I say and look over at Harry he's still looking, probably waiting for me to come over.

"OOO, you mean mister goody goosy over there.

"goody goody? ok, well I think he wants me to sit by him so see ya later. Maybe we can hang out tonight?"

"That be cool."

I nod, and walk over to Harry. He smiles "Hey babe, didn't tink you gonna sit by me."

"Well, you got lucky. How are you guys?" I ask him and his friends.

The guys say good at like the same time, Weird. "We are good, thanks for asking. What about yourself?" He asks, is it just me or is this kinda awkward. "Good."

"Alright, are you making it awkward on purpose styles?" "No, I didn't know it was awkward." 

Oh. Well this is awkward "Great, now it's awkward." "Nahh, I don't think so," He says and leans in so quickly I don't know whats going on. 

His lips are on mine, I was kinda caught off gaurd. But I kiss him back, and put my ahnd on his face, neck. Whatever. His lips are literalyy like ice cream, sweet. Wow, how cliche of me.

We pull away. Yeah, people are staring. I look at him and smile, that was literally SO CUTE. "What was that for?" I ask with a smile. "Would you like to go on a date with me?" 

"Well. I have to see if I'm free." his face drops. "Just kidding cutie. Yeah sure. I'de love to." 

"Great, I'll let you know when." "Oh and, will you got the dance with me?" He asks and he looks nervous, awe. I blush "Of course" "But do we have to match?"

"Not if you don't want to." "Heack no, that's kinda lame." He chuckles. "And you said I'm the cutie."

"Alright, Mr. flirt. eat your lunch." I say and turn to my food. PIZZA, IS MY LYFE DOE. 


Yo, was it good

IDK, well thanks for reading babes.

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