The Boys

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Jake stepped in front of her and opened the door and stepped in. Jessie shyly peeked around Jakes side and saw four other boys that looked her age trying to peek around Jake to see this new girl. Jake was the first to break the silence. "Guys this is Jessie... Jessie this is Henry, Jonathan, Hayden, and Luke." Each of them gave a small wave as their name was called. Jake then walked across the room and grabbed two plates and two cups from the cupboards. Jessie gave a brief wave and scrambled behind him keeping her head down. As she walked away from the rest of the boys she heard one speak up. "How's your back feeling..?" She turned to see it was Luke who spoke up, Jessie smiled lightly and looked back at her wings. "Umm Okay I guess... It's just different..." She admitted quietly. Luke nodded and watched her from a distance, and Jake tapped her shoulder before handing her two small pills. She looked up at him quizzingly. "What are these for...?" She asked still sceptical of whether to trust these people and medicine. "These are pain meds for when the morphine wears off..." He said before handing her a glass of water. She stared at the pills in her hand. "How do I know that...?" She asked before looking back up at him. Jake frowned and she looked back at the other guys. "We can understand why you're skeptical but you really really should take them or you will be in a lot of pain in a hour or so..." Hayden said, Jessie slowly looked back at Jake then at the rest off the boys before taking a sip of water then putting the pills into her mouth and swallowing. She stood there for a minute before nodding softly. "Come on... come eat..." Jake said as he carried their plates to the table, he took his seat leaving one open between Luke and himself for her to sit in. Jessie walked over and took a seat, not thinking about it she leaned back in her chair to try and shrink. She felt a sharp pain in her back and let out a yelp as she winced. She felt two pairs of hands grab her shoulders and pull her forward. "Are you okay?" Luke asked quickly. She kept her eyes shut tight in pain as she took a minute and nodded ever so slightly. "Y-yeah..." She said weakly after a bit. She relaxed her shoulders slightly and peered over her shoulders to look at the new wings. There was a hole in the comfy tee shirt for her wings about a fourth of the way down from the top. "Once they heal it's not bad... just different." Hayden said softly, she nodded softly before looking back down at her food avoiding all the eyes that were on her. She picked up the fork and lifted a small bite of the bland food that wasn't recognizable. She looked at it before taking a bite slowly, it tasted slightly of a combination of bland chicken and some sort of beans. They guys went back to eating, leaving her to her thoughts. She took the time to look at each and try to remember all of their names. Henry had dark brown hair and glasses, he was probably about 5'8''. Jonathan had long faded purple colored hair and seemed pretty shy... but observant. Hayden had messy chestnut colored hair and bright green eyes. Luke had bluish grey eyes, and longer messy dirty dishwater blonde hair. The bland food wasn't appetizing but she quickly finished and thought about asking for a bit more, but her plate seemed to have had a bit more than Jake's plate. All of the boys were relatively quiet which she was thankful for. She was about to lean back when she remembered her back and sat forward slightly leaning against the table's edge. "Jessie I'm sure it's been a long day for you with everything that's been going on, do you want me to take you to your room so you can get some sleep...?" Jake asked as he looked down at her. She nodded softly and carefully stood up and pushed her chair out as she took her plate over to the sink and rinsed it off. Jake watched her and smiled softly, "You didn't need to do that... it's Jonathan's night to do the dishes." She smiled and looked back over at him and wiped her hands on her pants. "It's no problem..." She said just before the door to the kitchen swung open and the masked man walked in. Jessie took a couple steps closer to the boy's in an attempt to hide behind Jake. The man looked straight at her. "Jessie I see you have met my boys... have they been good company?" Jake stood straight in front of her but she remained at a loss of words so she remained silent. "Well nevermind the manners... You need to come with me to get another dose of your antibiotics so you stay healthy while your body changes a bit..." She looked at the boy's trying to look for help. "Jessie one of us can go with you if you need..." Luke suggested, she looked ten times relieved and nodded softly. "Ahh yes, since you suggested it Luke do you mind coming down with her and I... although you'll miss your nightly free fly." He said tauntingly, Jessie looked back over at him. "Y-you don't have to if you don't want to..." She said softly to Luke who had stood up. "No... there's always morning fly..." He said as he lead her to the door. She walked silently next to Luke keeping a bit of distance between her and the masked man. They walked down a series of halls that all looked the same bland whitish grey walls. Soon they walked into a clinic like room and Jessie looked around and the man motioned for her to sit down on the metal examining table, and then walked across the room to prepare the dose. Luke walked over and took a seat next to her, smiling softly. "Thank you..." She said softly as she looked up at him. "No problem." He said with a smile. She looked over at the man as he turned holding a large needle in his rubber glove covered hand. She looked at the needle and Luke gently took ahold of her hand. The man wiped a spot on her neck with a disinfectant rag and then laid it down preparing to give her the shot. She closed her eyes and gripped Lukes hand. She felt the sharp prick of the needle puncture the soft skin on the side of her neck. Just as quick as it was there it was gone, and a bandage was being pressed onto the tiny wound. "Luke you're going to have to carry her to her room. I added a heavy sedative to help her get some sleep.." He said as he took off the gloves. Shortly her eyelids grew heavy and her grip on Luke's hand loosened. He nodded and stood up before picking her up bridal style just as her eyes drifted shut. Luke looked down at her as he walked the halls, back to their living quarters. Once he turned the corner and the large mechanical doors opened to let him in slid open he could hear the others voices fade. Luke came into view and they all stopped talking and looked at her then at Luke quizzingly. Luke kept walking and carefully opened the door to her room and walked in laying her down on the soft full size mattress. Luke made sure she was on her stomach and pulled up her blanket before pushing some of her messy natural curls out of her face ever so gently. He smiled and walked out leaving her to sleep...

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