Chapter Two

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Adrien finished his lunch and left the money on the table, waving at the staff and thinking them for his meal. He didn't notice the change of weather until he was outside.
"Weird. It was supposed to be sunny all week." He said to himself, running for the safety of a protected alley.
"We'll be safe from the rain in here. But still, this isn't something to taken lightly. Plagg, claws out!"

Adrien lifted up his ring, ready to transform, but out of no where thunder rumbled throughout the sky and a huge lightning bolt shot down and struck Adrien's ring. What was only a matter of seconds seemed like it lasted for minutes. Adrien was flung backwards as his back hit the wall and he blacked out.

He didn't know how long he was out, but he opened his eyes to a blurry world around him. He looked around, his eyes finally adjusting.
"Plagg?" He called out, looking for his little friend.
Adrien ran out of the alley, spotting a familiar figure across the street.
"Marinette!" He called, trying to get her attention.
She just kept running with her hands above her head trying to stop the rain from drenching her.
She didn't hear me, Adrien thought. Chilled by the cold rain, he decided to run after her.

"Marinette!" He called again, getting closer to her.
She stopped running and turned around. He stopped just a little to late and slid into her legs, almost knocking her down. Wait, why did he run into her legs? And why was he way down here!? He looked up at a very giant Marinette, confused. What was she doing way up there?

She looked down at him and a look of sympathy crossed her face.
"What's the matter, kitty? Are you lost?" She asked.
What do you mean "kitty"? Adrien thought. He looked down at himself, shocked to find instead of his body, was black fur.
"No, no. This isn't right! It's me, Adrien!" He cried, trying to get her to understand.

"You poor thing, come here." She cooed, bending down to pick him up. Adrien was too shocked to fight it so he let Marinette take him home. It was better than being in the cold rain anyways.
She jogged all the way home and had to explain to her parents about why she had a cat with her.

"I promise when the rain lets up, I'll go and look for his owner." She reassured. They only agreed because it was temporary. She thanked them and took the cat up to her room.
She sat Adrien down on her couch, then she disappeared into her bathroom only to return a few minutes later carrying two pink towels.

She sat back down next to him and pulled the two bands out of her hair and wrapped it in one of the towels.
"Your turn, kitty." She said as she reached for him. She picked him up and set him in her lap, then she put the other towel around him, slowly running her hands up and down his body to dry him off.
Without meaning to, Adrien began purring. Perks to being a cat, people can't help but to pet you. He could definitely get used to this.
But how long with this last? He still has to be Chat Noir, he still has to help out his Lady! Was she wondering where he was right now? Did she need him? He sighed at the thought. No way he was going to be able to help her in the state he was in now...
Please be alright without me, LadyBug...

Marinette turned on the tv for the weather report, even the news reporters seemed to be shocked at the sudden change in the weather. 
"Due to mass flooding, all schools have been cancelled in the surrounding areas." The reported said just before the program flipped to a commercial.

"What a relief!" Marinette signed as she turned the tv off again. She stood up and took both towels back into the bathroom, dumping them into her laundry basket. Adrien watched her, unsure of what else to do. She looked down at her still soaked clothes and huffed.
"Guess a hot bath would be nice." She shrugged as she began to pull off her clothes.
Adrien know he should've looked away but he just couldn't. If he had been human at the time, he probably would've had the biggest blush on his face. What would Marinette think if she knew it was him? She probably would've called him a pervert and would never talk to him again!

But Marinette didn't know it was him, did she? He cursed at himself for having these ideas in his head but hey, he was a teenage boy, wasn't he? It's to be expected.

She pulled the pink t-shirt over her head and tossed it into the basket revealing a soaked white undershirt. It clung to her skin and you could just barley make out the color of her bra. She peeled the undershirt off and put it in the basket just like the shirt.
"Look away!" His brain kept telling him but his muscles wouldn't comply. 

She was wearing a pink bra with black polk-a-dots and it had a little black bow in the middle. Around the cups were black lace and her straps were black.
Adrien could feel his face heat up even more as she wiggled out of her soaked jeans to reveal matching panties.
In that moment he never realised how cute Marinette was. He didn't mean this is a perverted sense, but he just noticed the completion of her skin, her pink lips, her beautiful big blue eyes, her cute freckles, and her shiny blue hair. If she would've taken the time to talk to him, maybe he would've noticed sooner.

Marinette bent down and turned on the hot water. After testing the water, she pulled the straps off her shoulders and unbuttoned the back of her bra and tossed it in the basket. God, Adrien wanted to be human then and there.
She then bent down and pulled down her panties, giving him a full ass shot, the she stood up and tossed them in the bin. Then she stepped into the tub and settled in the water.

Pretty sure he blacked out after that or he died and went to heaven.

The Cat's Meow LadyBugXChatNoir MarinetteXAdrienМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя