The Signs as Urban Dictionary Definitions

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intense fuckery- when you are tired/bored and sober, and fuck around too much and end up doing something you will regret

3 o'clock flops- the sensation that happens after eating carbs for lunch

refriend- to pass your old hoe to one of your friends

burritoing- the act of wrapping yourself in multiple blanket, nearing, but not reaching the point of suffocation

fancy bitch- a classy, elegant, self-sufficient woman who carries herself with dignity and pride and takes no shit from any bitch, male or female

desk staging- the practice of covering your desk with papers, completed works, and other important-looking papers to give the appearance that you are really busy when you are just searching the net, watching YouTube and doing non-important things

f&f- flirting and forgetting, used after a break up, when you want to forget your ex by flirting with other people

romantic hate- when you hate someone, but you have a connection with them, you are the person's enemy, but you're always with them and can't look away

kicking dicks- doing nothing; not doing anything useful

google proved- when you're trying to prove someone wrong and immediately refer to Google to debunk your theory

:3- its suppose to be a coy internet smiley face, resembling something like a cat, cuteness in nature. I personally think it looks like a ballsack mouth

emotional whore- a person who shares the most intimate details of their life/heartbreak/feelings with strangers because it's cheaper than mental healthcare, and not subject to the same bias or advice that the person could receive from someone closer to the situation

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