Chapter 4

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JULIUS OPENED HIS eyes. He felt like he was somewhere unusual. He remembered getting up, but his mind went blank after that. He looked around him. Everything was pitch black, with a hint of grey to it. Where am I? He thought. Although he thought it, he could hear it like he had said it. That's when he came to the conclusion that he was in his mind.

Where are you? Why, you should know. He froze when he heard a mysterious voice say that. It was so familiar, there was no way he couldn't doubt it. He turned around to find himself facing his old friend: Glitch.

W-what? Why are you here? He thought, coming out as a question. Don't you get it? Glitch started, I helped you. And now, we speak through the mind. Julius couldn't believe it. Did you possess me? He screamed at her. Glitch nodded. But I thought you disappeared! Julius said, bewildered.

Not my spirit. And now I have finished the fight for you. I am currently in control, Glitch stated. But you killed her! I promised Lavender I wouldn't kill her sister! Julius protested. Yes, but, she deserved to die. She tried to kill you, and she was rude to you. Glitch responded. Julius sighed in astonishment. But that would mean that everyone who was rude to me deserves to die! Julius said. Glitch paused for a moment before saying, You have a point there. So... let's just kill everyone who was rude to you! Julius looked at her, his jaw dropped in bewilderment. What?! He asked.

Hey, it was your idea, Glitch said. Glitch! You're crazy! Julius yelled at her. Not crazy, she started, but brilliant. Julius sat down in the vast expansion of nothingness around him. He could see what was going on, but he knew he wasn't in control. Then he thought of something that, in his own opinion, was important.

Hey Glitch? He asked. What? She responded. I was just thinking, he started, since we're, you know, one person, what is our name? Glitch looked at him, obviously very irritated, and a bit confused. Ship name? She asked, after a quick moment of silence. Julius looked a bit taken aback, but something in him - or whatever was left of him - felt that she meant something when she said that. What? No, no, a regular name, he continued, I was thinking Ulysses. Glitch looked at him and laughed. Ulysses? Hah! That's a stupid name! She said. Justin is MUCH better.





FRICK! Julius yelled, feeling defeated in the small battle of the name. He sat down again after standing up and crossed his arms. He didn't like the name "Justin" at all. All he could do now was watch what was happening.

Justin was walking through the woods, back to the village in the south - or the north, for them. He watched his reflection in a frozen puddle behind a tree, but he didn't want to know what it was made of. His hair was longer, and his long, black bangs were replaced by a feather slumping down across his face. His knife had changed into a giant sword. His usual white cape was now black, probably the most unusual feature.

Hey, Glitch? Julius asked. Where are we going? She looked at him menacingly. Obviously back to the village. Tell me, who there was ever rude to you that deserved to die? She answered. Julius's heart sank. He knew the answer, and it wasn't good. It was his sister.

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