Chapter 3

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Class ended with a boring test. It honesty had nothing to do with powers. The main questions were about math and some medical stuff which I just guessed on instead of wasting my time. I walk out of the class completely forgetting Tayler and head to my locker in the other hallway.

"Carter!" Tayler yells behind me as she tries to catch up. Seems like everyone is trying to catch up to me these days.

"Yes" I turn,  walking backwards.

"When do you think we'll get the results! I can't wait! " she finally catches up to me and keeps up with my pace

"I dunno, why didn't you ask Dunn?" I reach my locker and start stacking my books inside of it.

Tayler pulls out her own text books and shives them in my locker. "I did, he said later. Oh yea Grayson left early." She informs me as I slam my locker shut.

"Why?" I question, I stack my last book and pull out my phone.

Nope no text from Grayson.

She slams my locker shut and locks it, we make a great team as you can see. "I don't know, he sounded nervous and left." Tayler and I start heading out the door

I push the door open to reveal the never stopping rain. Puddles covered the cement, while mud covered the grass. To my luck, I decided to wear my white converse.

"And he left us with no ride?"I grunt as I begin walking in the rain careful to avoid anything that will destroy my shoes.

I hear Tayler pulling her hood on, splashing her feet into puddles. She is wearing combat boots, so she's good for now.

"A little exercise won't kill you" She smiles, jumping into puddles. Not realizing that we took a physical test that made us run and do 20 sit-ups. That's to much for me, the only sit-ups I do is when I wake up in the morning.

"Ugh, why can't it stop raining?" I mutter as I step into a deep puddle that drenches my used to be white, now brown converse. "Great!"

Tayler laughs as she avoids the same puddle, then proceeds to splash into the one right next to it.

"You know, you've been grumpy ever since this morning." Tayler points out, "what even happened this morning?"

"I don't even know myself, something about...a check up" I contemplate telling her more, but decided once again against it.

"Oh noice, well how was the test then?"

"Which one" suddenly remembering how west smiled at me during the physical test. He smiles at me, so that means we're practically dating right? Isn't that how it works?

"All of them" Tayler jumps into a puddle, the same one I avoided 2 seconds ago.

"Nothing really, West just talked to me while we were running. He was so easy to talk too!" I smile at the memory. If only he could talk to me on a regular basis.

"Wow, all I have to do to make you happy is bring up west huh" Tayler giggles.

"Have I really been down? I feel fine"

"Yep, you look like a zombie. A very pretty zombie tho. Not the flesh eating ones that are all nast-" Tayler describes

"I get it!" I laugh

We reach the corner that separates my best friend and that sounds so dramatic.

"Well bye Carter! I hope you feel better mañana" Tayler waves as she turns the corner towards her neighborhood.

"Bye tay tay" I smile up at her "I swear I'm okay!"

I wave a finally goodbye, and I walk the lonely path, also known as my street, and look at all the beautiful trees around me.

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