chapter one

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"Damn, she looks so hot" said Louis

"I know right" Victor agreed

"Hey Emily!" Louis exclaimed.

"Ugh, find some other girl to gawk at." I was about to walk away when a good comeback popped up in my brain " oh and don't take a picture cause I don't want you staring at me any longer." Ughh guys. I walked over to my locker to see my friends waiting for me.

"I don't get you sometimes Emily" lyla said.

"What?" I placed my hands on my hips "Guys get on my nerves" I said with a shrug.

" come on Emily, ever since you and..." Emma abruptly stopped speaking.

"Don't say his name" I said with a serious tone "Don't even talk about him, nor do I wanna mention his name."

"Ok well, uhmm changing the subject" lyla said with a nervous laugh. "You got some explaining to do Sasha"

"What for?" Sasha looked stunned.

"You and matt" lyla wiggled her eyebrows at Sasha.

"Oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask you about what happened when you guys came back so late last night."I say

"W-what I wasn't out l-late with Matt." Sasha stutters "J-just friends...... hanging out, yeah just friends hanging out, it's not that i-i like him or anything." She says with a tone that practically everybody knows means that she's lying.

"We all know that you're lying Sasha." I said getting kinda suspicious.

"Okay, okay fine, maybe a little." She stats truthfully.

"You like him a lot." Says Lyla stating the obvious.

"Next thing you know you'll be Sasha falls" I say with a giggle.

"Yeah" she says in a dreamy tone "Wait! No!" Sasha exclaims "So Emma, you haven't been talking much." She says to change the subject.

"Huh"Emma says looking up from her phone "oh, my parents just dropped off my friend, Aiden Williams, he's new around here so we should hang out with him at lunch" she suggested.

"Yay. I'm so excited" I said with sarcasm clearly in my voice.

"You are gonna talk to him." Lyla said.

"Why me" I whine like a little kid.

"Cause, you need to open up to some guys." Lyla says like it's obvious.

"I have my annoying twin brother, my adorable baby brother and my cocky ass dad." I state. "I think that's all I need to open up to."

"You are gonna talk to him. You hear me young lady? Lyla said mimicking my maths teacher.

"Yes, mom" I say finally.

"See you at lunch" says Lyla and then my friends disappear into the crowd of students.

"Wait..." I call out but they're already gone. I look around the hallway and start dancing on the spot "he's not here! I can skip class" I squeal

"Think again, Miss. Falls"

I freeze on the spot 'dammit'

"Trying to skip class again? Says my principal, Mr. Starr

"Hey Mr. Starr! You look handsome today. Finally picked your nose hairs?"

Yeah I know that it's rude to say but I've been in his office to many times this year that he is like me best friend, so yeah don't judge.

"Miss. Falls, this is the fifteenth time that you tried to skip class,and it's only been a week since school started." Mr. Starr says in a serious tone. "Mind you Miss. Falls, your-" I cut him off by finishing his sentence.

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