Alan Ashby for @jacklyne207

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You and your boyfriend of three years were at your parents house for Christmas (idgaf whether its nowhere near Christmas) and tonight a party was being held

Jacklynes POV:

"jacklyne, come say hello to Gerard" my dad was dying to introduce a load of "suitable" men because he wasn't too sure Alan could hold our relationship much longer "coming" I sighed, threw the book I was reading on the bed and slumped downstairs oh god how the frick was this guy suitable he looked like a computer game geek "umm hi..." "hello there beautiful fairy queen" what the fuck was this guy socially retarded "uhmm yeah I'll be in the kitchen dad" I walked into the kitchen to find my ginger princess sat at the table with a load of old ladies and they were so gossipy he didnt even notice I'd walked in. I saw my mom in the doorway and went to talk to her "oh my god mom its so crowded" "I know but its lovely look at Alan he's an old woman at heart" that's when he noticed me and stuck his tongue out "come here" I mouthed "no we're about to play bingo" he mouthed back I sighed and went back to my room I couldn't stand parties unless Austin was there he knew how to have fun, not play bingo with oldies I went back to my book.

*about an hour later*

"jacklyne sweetie come here" it was my mom this time at least I wouldn't be introduced to creeps, "wha-" everyone was crowding the tree which Alan was stood in front of, I tilted my head in confusion, he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him "now we've been together for three years and seven months and I'm not going to lie jacklyne but that has been the happiest period in my life and I Dont want it to end" he knelt down "jacklyne-(middle name)Martin will you make me the happiest princess in all the land and marry me?" his eyes were full of hope and were glassy, I broke down into tears and nodded "yesyesyesyesyes!!!!" I was squealing and everyone was clapping and my mom crying Alan slid the ring on my finger it was simple and elegant...

*after the party*

"Dont you think I deserve a reward for my amazing speech?" Alan teased "hmmm I Dont know do you think you deserve one?" I put a finger on my chin to look as though i was thinking but I knew the answer "hella yeah!" I slowly walk towards him looking as though I'm going to give him what he wants he reaches out for me but I just brush past him and into the bathroom.

(I'm going to write it in like third person bc its easier)

You look in the mirror smirking at yourself, you suddenly feel long arms snake around your waist you turn your head to see Alan he smirks at you devilishly and you feel his hands lower to your thighs and begins to rub them you turn and pull him back into the room by his tie you sit on the bed and pull him inbetween your legs and kiss him passionately Alan kisses you back deepening the kiss and slowly pushing you so your lay on your back he begins to crawl on the top of you he pulls down your dress and stares for a while at the lingerie you were wearing his eyes widened but he soon went back to kissing you his hands roaming your body causing you to moan at his soft touch he began kissing your neck catching your sweet spot instantly you moan "alann" he smirked against your skin he then moved to your chest where he planted many kisses...

Sorry I'll continue tomorrow

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