Tony Perry for Kat:

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You were in your local music shop looking for some new strings for your guitar which happened to be really old so what was the pain in looking? We'll the pain was stumbling into your inspiration and also the hottest man you had ever seen...

Kat's POV:

I woke up and looked around my room for something to do today, my guitar with no strings caught my eye, I'd been meaning to look for some strings but never really had the time, I guess I could use my free time on that then, i slid out of bed and threw on a sleeping with sirens shirt and a pair of skinny jeans,  walked over to the mirror and applied my everyday make up, when I was finally pleased with the way I looked I slipped on my sneakers and walked towards my car, on the drive there I blasted out pierce the veil who were my favourite band, I loved the shit out of Tony Perry, the guitarist, I finally got there, when I walked in there was the most perfect guitar sat there and to my surprise, it was very cheap for its quality, I'd been meaning to get strings but this guitar was far too perfect to just walk out without, I reached out towards it but I was pushed to the floor "w-what the fuck dude?" "holy shit I'm so so sorry, I didn't-" I cut off whoever was trying to apologize "listen can you just save your sorry story and help me the fuck up?!" I really wasn't in the mood now, I felt a hand grip mine and pull me up into a mystery chest, I looked up to see who it was and "HOLY FUCK Y-YOURE-" fuck fuck fuck i fucked it up there I ran off in embarrassment, I knew how band members hated fans freaking out at them ugh I'm such a dick, I needed a coffee like needed I creeped back to my car which was parked outside the music store I could never enter again and drove to Starbucks, I walked inside it was very busy but I finally got my coffee and sat in the corner I always sat in "hi again" I jumped at the voice as I was going through my phone, it was tony once again, I gave myself a mental note on not to fuck it up second time around "oh hi um you startled me then" he smirked "so I saw but you startled me" I giggled at his cuteness "its not funny I'm going to suffer from nightmares now" I laughed once again "oh shut up more like wet dreams" he then laughed "well you are very beautiful and I couldnt help but admire your ass when you were on the ground" I slapped his arm playfully, it was amazing I was actually talking to tony perry like this, "so why did you push me over?" "well you see I really wanted that guitar and I saw you reaching out for it and.." "aaaaand?" "I thought it would be a way to make conversation with you I mean you're hot and now I've found out you have a really nice personality" i felt my cheeks turning red "how come you freaked out?" fuck what should I say if he ones I was a fangirl he'd leave right now "um I thought I knew you but I didn't-I don't" "well I'm Tony Perry the guitarist of Pierce the veil who are you beautiful strange lady?" "Kat Quinn (srry I didn't know your last name) normal girl of San Diego, nice to meet you Tony" I felt so bad lying to him, "I know this is soon and all but is it okay if I take you out to dinner tonight?" "sure" he laughed at my quick response "somebody's eager to date a turtle" I just gave him a very fake confused look, I knew he was always called a turtle, he replied to my expression"I'll explain it tonight but ill need to know where you live if I'm taking you out" I gave him my number and address and my instagram just in case this whole thing didn't work out I'd always be followed by him "um why will I need your instagram?" "so you can look at my extra sexy selfies" I giggled as I knew they were nowhere near sexy, "ooookayyy? well I'll pick you up at eight be ready" he winked before walking out of the coffee shop.

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