Chapter 19: Fairy Tail Concert

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I wake up early on the chilly Saturday morning. If I were to be in school now, I would be in Lisanna's class. I stretch in my bed and immediately stick my hands back inside the covers. It feels like it could snow in my apartment any moment now.

I make myself fluffy scrambled eggs and pour a glass of orange juice. With a full stomach I go to the living room and channel surf.

While waiting for it to be evening, I decide to read on my couch and listen to Fairy Tail as the background noise. I'm going to be hearing these voices live. I feel overly excited. Hopefully Natsu is as eager as me.

When it's time to get ready, I slide into a blue and white shirt with dark pants. I take a sweater with me because if it's cold in my apartment, it's most definitely cold outside. Just as I finish getting ready a loud pound comes from my door.

"Are you ready?" Natsu asks enthusiastically.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I answer with a grin.

"Great! Let's go," he grabs my hand and pulls me with him down the stairs.

"Wait!" I tell him as we run together. The concert is close to Magnolia but far away enough to where we have to ride the train. We get to the station gasping for air.

"Why do you always make me do this?" I lean against his arm trying to steady my breaths.

"It's fun," he replies with a look of amusement. He's back to his regular breathing while I'm still trying to catch up.

We ride the train and get off at the second stop that we arrive at. Half of the sky is filled with dim stars while the other half is a mixture of pink and purple.

Natsu and I walk hand in hand and with each step we take the faint music that was heard from the station becomes louder and clearer.

"I think we're going to find somebody we know here," I say with paranoia. There are loads of people already at the venue.

"We won't," he assures.

There's a line that slithers around like a snake that leads to the inside of the venue. We stand at the end of the line and there are people lining behind us seconds later.

"I didn't think the concert would have this many people," I watch as more people file behind us.

"There's going to be a huge crowd. So don't let go of my hand," he commands, giving our tickets to a man in a booth.

"There are so many people," I breathe out in awe.

There are children, teenagers, and adults here. Despite there being hundreds of people, they're all in groups. I can tell where one group starts and ends. It's a crowd of groups and Natsu and I don't have any group to belong to. We stand in between two groups of people, looking around the room.

The room is dark and the only light is by the blinding spotlights on the stage. The stage already has the drums set up and two microphone stands. Voices are flooding into my ears along with the tapping of a microphone.

"I feel so nervous," I tell Natsu.

"Shouldn't the band feel nervous?" he chuckles in response.

"But what if they mess up?" I make up scenarios. "Or something goes wrong with their instruments?"

"They're professionals, Luce," he responds. "If anything goes wrong, I'll sing the songs for you."

"You? You're going to sing?" I giggle at the thought.

He nods, "I'll give you a sneak peek."

As he takes a deep breath I let go of his hand to bring it over his mouth before he can bellow a sound.

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