Hayes Grier imagines!

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I walk downstairs to see what my parents were doing, since it was so quiet. I walk over to the kitchen to see my parents all dressed up.
Y/n: "Hey guys, so why are you guys dressed up ;)?"
Mom: "No, the question iss..Why aren't you dressed yet???"
Y/n: "Wait, what!? why am I suppose to get dressed??"
Dad: "Because we're going to Hayes's house for dinner. Don't you remember??"
Y/n: "Obviously not! because you don't see me dressed! When do we have to be there??"
Mom: "at 5:00.."
Y/n: "Oh, crap that's in 30 mintues. I need to go get dressed!!!"

I ran upstairs as fact as I could. Ran into my room and into my closet. I ran around my closet looking for the perfect outfit to wear.

"Finally!" I sighed. I remember one time I went to the mall with Hayes and he said this outift looked really nice on me. It had a Aztec cardigan that's beige and black and goes up to my mid-thigh. Inside I wore a maroon tight crop top. On the bottom I wore high-waisted jean shorts. I wore knee-high black stockings and as shoes I wore heels that look like sneakers with gold laces. Also, I wore a long gold necklace up to my belly button that had a golden feather on it. For my makeup I put foundation on, one coat of mascara, and eyeliner to make my eyes pop and added mint eos lip balm on my lips. To finish off I let my hair down from my braid and formed really nice wavy curls. Satisfied with the way I looked I unplugged my phone from the charger put in my back pocket and walked downstairs. I walked back into the kitchen, I couldn't find my parents. But, I did find a note on the counter.

Hey honey, Sorry we left. You know the way your mother is about being late. I hope you're not mad. But, c'mon we both know you wouldn't be ready within 30 minutes. Anyways can't wait to see you there dressed so beautifully.  xoxo.         Love,

To be honest, I wasn't mad. I mean that makes sense because I would've heard my mom nagging at me to get ready faster. Plus, All I have to do is just walk across the street. So I grabbed the house keys, turnt off the lights, opened the front door, stepped out, turned around to lock the door and put the keys in my other back pocket. I reached Hayes's house, rang the doorbell and waited. The door swings open and it was Mrs. Grier with Skylynn standing next to her. Skylynn runs up to me screaming "Y/N!!" and gives me a big hug. I picked her up and hugged her back. I released from the hug but still carried her. I looked up at Mrs. Grier and I said "Hi Mrs. Grier!" she replied with "Hi sweetheart!" and opened the door wider, signaling me to come in. Then she says

"Hayes asked me to tell you to go up to his room as soon as you got here. So why don't you go up there, We'll call you down when the foods ready." I replied with a simple "ok" and smile while I put Skylynn down. Skylynn ran off to her play room and her mom walked off to the kitchen. I walked up the stairs and knocked on Hayes's door.

"Come in!" he said.

I walked in with Hayes and Nash playing video games.
you: hey guys!
Nash & Hayes: hey y/n!

*Nash's phone rings*
Nash: oh hang on I gotta take this

he walked outta the room and closed the door.

Hayes POV

"damn she looks hot in that! I'm so glad she took my advice in buying that. Wait, did I just say that out loud??"
y/n: yes..
Hayes: oh..

he said scratching the back of his head and turning red.
y/n: i-It's okay. We can just pretend you never said it. But thanks anyway.
Hayes: yea that would be nice & you're welcome.
y/n: do you mind if I take off these heels? their killing me.
Hayes: sure just put them by my closet.
y/n: thanks
Hayes: hey you wanna watch a movie?
y/n: sure which one?
Hayes: wanna watch white house down?
y/n: sure I love that movie
Hayes: pshh that's only because it's has Channing Tatum in it.
y/n: well duh why else would I love the movie then?

Both of us laugh.

"Wait where am I gonna sit?" I said because we both know that Hayes's bed is way too small two people.
Hayes: umm...c'mere.

he said patting on his lap.
y/n: are you sure? I'm pretty fat.
Hayes: Shut up! your always putting yourself down by saying that. I'm always telling you that it's not true and I mean it!! your perfect just the way you are.

I started blushing like an idiot- _- but I can't help it he's just too sweet. So I giggle and sat on his lap as he pulled on the blanket for the both of us.
Hayes: lean back, get comfortable. it's okay, y/n.

I do what he said. Faster than I thought I started getting really sleepy and yawned. Hayes notices and wraps his arms around my waist tightly.

"I'm so glad you're mine and only mine" he said.

"me too" I said.

he kissed the top my head right before I started to doze off.

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