Chapter 6 Past to Present

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After the shower, I sat wide awake- the whole time. Sleeping was not an option for me. I was too busy thinking of the years I spent living on this planet. 18 to be exact. They kept replaying in my mind. Sometimes I stop and think if my own existence wasn't supposed to happen. Then again I wouldn't be what I am and the impact I made.

And the people that if I didn't kill will continue living their lives, the ones they shouldn't have. I was just an accident, whether it was excusable it's up to you. I'm a product of my mother's rape from her drug addicted ex-boyfriend. He was sent to prison for drug trafficking and robbery. She try to abort me but couldn't. She kept me because though the up's and down's she still loved him. She didn't risk the chance to tell him or anyone of me. Maybe she did it as a mother or as a connection to that man. Whatever it was, she manage 4 years thats when she started to drink. Always ranting on me that it was my fault for eveything. She never hit me, just emotionally. I spent my days locked me inside till she comes back days later drunk and unhealthly. I don't remember when I snap. One minute she yelling and the next she was the floor, not moving at all. My arms were heavy, I had my mother's head in my little hands. Sad part about it I have no memory. I knew, I'll never be the same again.

I live in the woods for a few weeks till I was found by a young couple. Having no paperwork or anyone I knew, they adopted me. They were kind but very foolish. I began to realized I was the odd ball in the crowd. I had no experience how to act in public society. That earned kids to pick at me and adults to stare. My foster parents Bill and Jenny didn't bother to listen, foolish indeed. I kept to myself, some try to befriend me but failed and gave up.

I learned I had a gift. No it wasn't the ability to solve equations for a Nobel prize or great in sports to get into the best schools. No nothing like that. It was one of those holy crap I have super powers like in the comic books!! I could control blood. Weird right? I thought it was just my imagination. I was in the bath tub cutting myself. I did it constantly, staring out of nowhere my blood suddenly floated though the water and back down again.

Shock me. I was a weapon. My wounds instantly healed in minutes. All my senses highten. Hell I can even fly till I get tired. It was my little secret. I used it on small animals and it grew to homeless people. I got the hang of it. Soon every night I sneak out to hunt, a trill to see them suffer under my feet just watching them plead for their worthless life. I found other ways to kill beside my gift, using anything I had in my hands. Encase I ever lost my power or unable to use it. I did it for rage, pleasure, pain- anything to outlet of what I feel from school and life. Everyday I get bullied worst than the last. Name after name, punches to kicks. I come home with bruises and some broken bones. I cover them in consealed cloths and tons of fountain. I force myself not heal.

I didn't killed them for the courtesy of Bill and Jenny. And to punish myself for ever being born. I put a mask to hide my true self, yet I wanted someone to understand me. I finally had enough when I heard them planning to rape me. Emily the head bitch was going to have a big party, her rich daddy paid for. She invited half the school who torture me. I wasn't invited of course but didn't stop me from going. Today was the day. After I walk though my front door I won't come back. With one final look at the couple who took me in and cared for me, I gave them one last photo before I met my fate to be. Once the flash was over I lifted them in the air. It wasn't their fault it's just their purpose ran out. I was merciful to end their lives quick before I did the real fun. I posed them together in the living room. With their blood I craved symbols into their skin. Hearts, swirls, flowers etc. I gutted out some organs and place them holding their lover's heart and cut out their eyes.

The party was going smoothly no one knew who I was. I had a plan for all the guest were in one room, quickly locking all forms of exit in the house. Everyone was so distract to see all the servants for the party dead. Can't have someone ruining my plan. Once that was done, I head back to the party and shut the only escape behind me. I shut the lights and killed the Dj. Opppppss. I turn them back on and hide in the crowd. People complain then shocked to see the Dj. Emily took the mic to ensure it was okay and he just passed out. No he die because I killed him. Such a liar. She spotted me grinning like a mad man. Realization hit and she called me out causing the crowd to refain from me. Emily push herself though, accusing me while I acted dumb and disagreeing. It was fun seeing her mad until she slap me.

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