7: Open Wounds

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Derek heard Isabel's heart rate increase and was immediately at her side. The increase wasn't fear, he could smell that much, but surprised shock. She knew the man that was standing in the lobby.

He held his hands up. "I'm just here to talk. Could you please put your talons away?"

Derek's claws slowly extended. If Isabel was threatened by him enough to extend her talons, he was going to be prepared.

"And could you also ask the wolf to put away his claws as well?"

"What do you want, Devin?"

"I told you. To talk. I'm not Vincent. I'm not here to harm you or your friends. But I am surprised that you trusted another wolf after Romero."

"How did you know about Romero?"

"I've kept up with you since we parted. It was only a matter of time before we both ended up here. I'm not the one who betrayed you. If you remember correctly, I was protecting you."

Isabel placed her hand on Derek's wrist and he noticed she'd retracted her talons. "What are you doing here?"

"Rumor has it your brother met his end here. I just wanted to know if it was true."

"It is." Isabel didn't offer details.

"Good. I hope it was painful."

"It was a quick death," Derek answered, seeing the look on Isabel's face. Despite his betrayal ending in the death of their mother, Vincent had been Isabel's brother. Just like Peter was his uncle. She'd taken his death hard as he'd been the only family she'd had left. Devin's comment had opened up a wound that was still healing. "Is that why you're here? To open up wounds?"


"If Vincent's dead, what do you need a werewolf bodyguard for?"

Derek growled and Isabel slammed her hand against his chest. "He's not my bodyguard, Devin!" She stepped forward, her eyes glowing bright blue. "What are you doing here?"

"I've followed some Procurers since I've been in town. They are very interested in you for some reason."

"Procurers?" Deaton asked. "In Beacon Hills?"

"What are Procurers?" Parrish asked.

"They do just what the name suggests," Isabel said. "Only the things they procure are extremely dangerous."

"Are you sure it's Isabel they're interested in?"

"Not completely but mostly sure."

"Not completely?" Derek scoffed.

"Stop it. Both of you," Isabel sighed. "Is that why you're here, Devin? To warn us about the Procurers?"


Isabel gave Devin a look. Then she motioned for him to go outside. "Don't listen in, Derek. What we have to talk about is between me and Devin."


"Why are you really here?" Isabel asked the moment they were outside.

"I wanted to see you again."

"You saw me. Now leave."

"That's not what I meant."

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