Lost (Jeff The Killer Fan Fiction)

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Hello. My name is Faith Smith. I grew up in a small town named Cheshire, England. My parents are Chelsea and Mason Smith. I have a little brother of 5 years old named Nick Smith. My mother has been dead for 4 years now and I'm alone with my abusive, alcoholic father. I'm 17 and bullied at my high school.

My one true wish is for someone, anyone,

To end my misery...

Chapter 1

"Nick, Come here now." I demanded through gritted teeth as my father was drunk on alcohol...again. He was getting extremely perverted and abusive. Nick ran beside me and we both shuffled out of the house quietly. My father's dangerous at times like this. Nick was crying. He's old enough to know that mothers gone and dad will hurt us. He was 1 when she passed away 4 years ago. Ever since I have been trying my best to protect Nick, but it gets complicated. I sighed as we made our way to the park. We planned to stay as far from our dad as possible. I pushed Nick on the swing and caught him at the end of slide. We built a sand castle and played tag. Nick wondered into the forest. It was getting dark, and I was worried sick. "Nick?! Please come back! NICK?!" I called out many times. I ran all through the forest. No Nick. I sat on the ground and cried. "Nick?" I cried out again. I lost everybody who meant the world to me. I heard shuffling in the forest. "Nick? Is that you?" I called out. I got up and looked around. "Nick?" I called out again. "Ha ha. Sweetie its not Nick. I prefer Jeff." A devilishly deep voice said from the shadows. I wiped my tears and looked around. Hands were slid around my waist as they pulled me to the ground. I tried to scream, bur they came out muffled. I was on the ground. A boy in a white Hood, black dress pants and a smile that stretched from ear to ear. My eyes opened wide. "Sad to see such a beautiful face get bloody and bashed." He said, chuckling. Jeff I think he said his name was. He raised his knife and just as it was about to hit my chest, I grabbed his wrist and flipped him on his back. I grabbed his knife and threw it across the forest floor. He stared in astonishment. "N-no human has even beaten me. Your just like us." He announced. "Just tell me. "Where the fuck is Nick?!" I screamed, grabbing his shirt collar and bringing his to my face so we were inches apart. My eyes were cold and made of stone. "Faith?" A little boys voice called. It was Nick. I turned to see my little brother. I ran over to hug him but he backed away. My chest ached. "Nick. Whats wrong?" I asked, full of pain. He shook his head than ran away, deeper in the forest. "NICK, STOP!" I shouted, running after him. He seemed to vanish out of thin air. I fell to my knees and sobbed. "Nick, please! Come back!" I shouted. I felt an arm slide around my waist. I jumped up. "Don't touch me, you asshole."I said, my voice was shaky. "Just...Just tell me whats wrong. Ill help you." He said, his voice was sincere. So I told him. "My mom died 4 years ago when I was 14 and Nick was 2. My father is just an alcoholic who abuses us. So I lost everyone I loved and cared about. I'm bullied at school physically. My life's a wreck." I finished, crying my eyes out.

Jeff hugged me. "I know how you feel." He said softly. For once I didn't shove him away. I put my head on his chest and actually fell asleep.

Chapter 2

I woke up inside on a purple bed. It was comfy. I looked to my side and Jeff was sitting there on a stool. I sat up and asked, "Where am I?"

He laughed. "Were in Slender Mansion. My home that I share with other Creepy Pasta's." I nodded. "Can I meet them?" I asked. He nodded.

He led me to the living room where everyone sat.

We all got to know each other. I was shocked when I saw Nick sitting in a corner. "Nick! I missed you! I was so worried!" I said, running to him.

I hugged him and he hugged me back. "I found him last night for you." Jeff said, smiling. I ran over and threw my arms around his neck. "Thank you so so so so so much!" I said. I noticed Jeff was blushing hard. Easy to tell as his skin was bleach white. "So your name is what?" Jane asked me. "Its Faith Smith." I answered. She nodded and left the room. Nick and Sally were playing in the Rec Room. Everyone else played Spin The Bottle. It was my turn to spin the bottle. I watched contently as it slowed down. I was nervous. Then...It landed on Jeff. We both blushed...a lot. I slowly scooted closer, as slow as a turtle. Jeff sighed playfully and leaped right in front of me. He planted a 4 second long passionate and gentle kiss on my lips. We pulled away and our faces were beet red. A bunch of kissing went on. Omg, but E. Jack and Ben had to kiss!, too funny. Later that evening, Jane shoved me and Jeff in a closet and locked it!! "JANE!!" I screamed. "Its not worth it. They never ignore someone for more than an hour." Jeff said. I nodded.

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