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Chapter 11

I cried as Nick was going through surgery. If he dies, might as well kill myself too. The Rake gave him a toxic infection because the wound was given to him by the Rakes sharp nails. He also need stitches. "Shh. Its going to be okay." Ben said sitting beside me on the staircase. I hugged him. I felt so alone without Nick. He meant the world to me and his 6th birthday is in 4 days. (February 9) I planned to take him to our mothers grave. We missed her so dearly. Ben rubbed my back trying to comfort me. He was such a good friend. He took out his phone and played the song Rain by my FAVORITE band, Hollywood Undead. That song always helped me through rough times. Jeff came out of Slender mans room with a look that said, 'I'm sorry.' "What is it? Is he going to survive?" I jumped up and got nose to nose with him. He shook his head. "I'm sorry, Faith. Nick just wont make it. He's not strong enough. I really am sorry." He said, disappointed. 'No...' I croaked out, quietly. I ran into the room where Nick was getting treated. I stared down at his life less body. He was pale and looked so limp. I wiped the tears from my eyes. How could he die?! He survived getting a knife through his stomach when our dad was drunk! He survived having a bottle smashed over his head! He survived falling head first of a huge red ramp! HOW COULD THIS WOUND END HIM?! HOW?! I fell on the floor in a fit of tears. Slender wasn't here. I ran back to my room and found my long lost item. My razor. The razor I used to cut myself when I got bullied or when something went wrong. It was missing for a whole year, and I found it just lying here on my shelf. Coincidental? I quickly grabbed it and sat on my bed. I shuddered as I lowered it to my wrist. I pushed it in as far as I could until I cried out in pain. The blood gushed everywhere as I made the cut straight across. 'Remember kids, Its across the road,not down the street.' An emo quote rang in my head. Yes, I was emo and I had been for a long time. Tears were streaming and blood was gushing. I heard the door open and then close...It wasn't locked...I looked up and saw Jeff. His jaw dropped. "Faith...Why did you do this to yourself? Self harm is never the answer." He explained. I cried harder. He was right. He picked me up and took me to the bathroom. He cleaned over the wound gently and disinfected it. It looked horrible. That would most likely leave a huge scar. Jeff kissed my lips passionately and confiscated my razor. "Please don't  do this again, Faith." I looked down at my feet. He raised my head with his finger so I was looking at him again. "I really care about you, Faith. This cutting thing is dangerous. Life threatening. And if you die...I would have nothing to live for. Faith, I'm trusting you to obey this command. I love you. I really do." He finished, pressing his warm, soft lips to mine.

Time Skip--Faith and Jeff travel home.

Chapter 12

Sex scene. (This time, Ill describe it for those who are OBSESSED with Jeff and want his babies. LMFAO XD)

His hands trailed down my back and up my shirt. The tingling feeling felt good. I loved his touch. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He lifted me up and carried me to the bed. He went and locked the door, he came back with a sexual smirk that I always loved. He climbed on top of me, tearing off his sweatshirt. I wanted this, I wanted it so bad. His black, tight t-shirt outlined his SEXY abs so much. GOD, he was hot!! He fiddled with my belt until he managed to un hook it and pull it off. He threw it across the room and it landed under my desk. He worked on getting my shirt off. After he took his own shirt off. His scars looked so beautiful. Sexy. Dangerous. I loved them. He tore off my pants,panties and my black lace bra. I was completely stripped by now. He removed his own pants and boxers revealing his HUGE 'you know what'. He plunged into me and struggled. He groaned, "Fuck, why are you so damn tight?" Grunting, he got me wet enough to thrust himself in and out of me easily. I moaned in pleasure as he gripped my breasts and caressed them while pumping into me faster and faster every time. I was moaning and groaning like crazy. "Oh my god, Jeff!" I almost screamed as he pumped into me faster than ever before. I was panting and sweating as well as Jeff. "Oh, I'm cumming!" He said, attempting to pump faster. But he the. slowed down and released his warm liquids into me. His sweaty body collapsed onto my own. I looked at the clock. It was only 2 in the afternoon. He kissed my forehead lightly. He panted then spoke, "Faith, I love you so much." He said breathlessly. I nodded. "I-I love you too." I stuttered as my throat was dry. My pussy was so sore. I swear his dick is as big as an elephants foot!! He got up and collected our clothing from the ground. He passed my bra,panties,pants and my shirt to me. I thanked him and he gathered his own stuff. We took a shower first and then got dressed. Yeah, we showered together. After, I tore the sheets off our bed and threw them in the washer while Jeff made dinner. "Faith! Dinners ready!" I ran down the stairs. I was pretty hungry. I stopped in the middle of the staircase when something bulged in my stomach. Wait...Remember when me and Jeff fucked 3 months ago...and today? SHIT. He came...Which means we might have twins...Shit shit shit. "Jeff...I think..T-t he baby kicked." I stuttered. He ran to meet me on the staircase. He put his hand on my stomach and the baby kicked again. "Wow. That's...Our baby." He said. Pure joy in his voice. "Wait wait wait. We might have twins." He realized, looking up with pure excitement. He hugged me tight then leap laps around our kitchen screaming, "I'm gonna be a father, I'm gonna be a father!" I giggled at his excitement. He was so adorable. I dialed Jane's number and waited for her to pick up. "Hello?" She spoke after 2 rings. "Hey Jane!! Me and Jeff might have twins!" I squealed. "Oh my god! I'm so proud for you two! Congratulations!" She said. She was truly excited. I giggled. "Due to the news, I'm inviting you all over for dinner." I announced. "Great. Ill tell the others. We will be there at around 2:15?" She asked. "That'll be great. Adios!" I joked. "Adios Senorita!" She laughed. "Jeff! Everyone at Slender Mansion is coming for dinner! Cook extra!" I commanded. "Alright!" He yelled back in response. I cant believe I was having twins with a killer! A KILLER! The excitement took control. I suddenly felt a little dizzy. My vision blurred. What was happening?! 'Jeff!' I attempted to scream, but nothing came out. Help! I cried inside my head. I never sinned, so god save me. I fell to the floor with a thump.

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