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The male's gentle hands pressed firmly to the pink shaded thick candy boarding of a open window located on a high level within the castle of Prince Bubblegum. His feet were formed in two long claws with thin black nails, cooking around the ledge as his bat like face peered into the room before him.
Surrounded by darkness, his breath was silent. His nose rose a tad into the air as he sniffed the opening. His large black thick wings folded down over his back before his body slowly transformed into a more like human structure. His fur peeling back and forming into a pale green pigment, his face turning narrow and small. His eyes glanced around.
  Marshall's hair was messy and pitch black the night sky, his bangs long and his hairline shaved. Down and laced around his frame was a deep black V neck, embracing his legs were a pair of crimson red jeans ripped at the knees.
Accompanying the jeans was a thin brown leather belt with a black buckle piece. His shoes were hightop conserves that were the shade of light red. Something he hadn't decided to crave or suck the dye from. On his wrist was a thick band bracelet from years ago.
" No trace of Peebs around. Heh heh, maybe I'll munch on his pretty pink pillows. "
Marshall Lee was a close friend on of bubble gum, and had well developed feelings for the bubble gum teen. In which he would never admit to in a thousand years unless bubble gum said his feelings to Marshall first.
The pale green hands hovered over the cotton candy woven material, he ripped a small piece before laying it over his glossy snake tongue. Lifting his feet from the candy floor, floating towards bubble gum's door. It was cracked open from the pink teen's departure. Maybe for studies and candy people business.
" Eh Gross. "
He said, disliking the flavor. Though still continuing to eat the material candy.

Meanwhile the smaller male was in his lab, away from his bedroom on a different level of the castle. He had been up for a few days with no sleep, working on an interesting experiment it was a reincarnation of a completely different species. Gumball lets out a heavy yawn but continued moving around as he started mixing a few liquids, he was wearing his usual white lab coat with glasses on as a few of his candy people were helping him out by handing him stuff. This was until the lack of sleep caught up to him, it caused him to grow weak in the knees and fall "You! Get me some more coffee" he called out in a tiresome voice, the candy person obliged running off out of the room to bring the prince more coffee. Gumball tried to keep himself awake, he pushed himself to stand up but stumbled knocking into some vials causing them to tumble over and shatter, this caused him to only sigh as he sat down in a nearby chair waiting for the candy person to return with his coffee. The smaller male only began to drift off to sleep, but stubbornly tried to fight it as he began to only get a migraine which caused him to wince in pain holding his head, he decided to rest for a bit till the candy person returned shutting his eyes.

The male pressed the side and base of his right palm around his right ear, stretching his neck out as his head peaked into the hall.
It was silent but he heard some rattling coming from a far distance.
The male floated out into the hall before opening the door just a bit more to fit his body.
He began to rise up and over the ceiling, his hands and knees planted onto the candy coated material. Hanging upside down as he crawled quietly over the ceiling to find the piñata hanging in the other room downstairs.
Marshall took quite some time to get to the lobby room of the castle, having to keep a close eye to banana guards and candy gumdrop girls running around.
They had quite a thing for Marshall because of his wicked guitar skills.
  The vampire king saw the piñata, quickly zipping over to cover the material's mouth. Hushing him before he could speak.
" Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt anyone my friend. Do you know where PB is? He uh- invited me over. But I can't find him. "
The male placed his index finger of the piñata's mouth, hushing him to a whisper. The being told Marshall the location of the bubble gum being, the male rubbed his temples for a moment as he stood hanging upside from the ceiling of the candy kingdom.
  The vampire teen grinned, turning into a small bat as he lowered close to the lobby floor. Finding the nearest exit to the basement, bubble gum hid the basement well. Peppermint Maid was good at hiding rooms and objects and secrets very well. But Marshall Lee has been around long enough to basically know the kingdom inside out, as well as being close to peebs.
  The vampire returned at the door, he hadn't seen any candy person but found Gumball hunched over his knees. He raised his brow, the male's hair ruffled and a mess.
He cooed softly.
" Double Creamer and Sugar ? Correct? "
He spoke to the door after shifting into a human form, if PB were to look. Marshall was shift to the side to hide his appearance from the gum male.

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