A little bit about me and the story

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My name is Jayde I'm 5'4 I'm in love with 5 SOS and 1D an I love to write just I get lazy and that's why I don't update a lot so ya!!!! :)

Now about the book at the max it will be 20-25 chapters and maybe and epilogue. Please read the author note in the chapter it will say when I'll update or how many votes/comments I need/want for the next chapter. Some times I might even have contest for dedications and stuff like that. Most of the time I'll have a question of the day and please answer them I read all of the comments I get. Thanks for reading my book it means a lot to me I'm sorry if I cuss in the book but I'll try not to. I'll try to change what I'll say so if I cuss to much just let me know and I'll try to change it

~Love always Jayde

Lillian Styles (One Direction/5SOS)Where stories live. Discover now