I Was His Secret

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We all are standing waiting to see if they would be honest about Kenny being safe.
"He's out." Everyone was yelling. I was getting so pissed. Obviously so was everyone else. Kenny stomped off the field and throws his helmet at the dugout. He's known to do this so it was actually normal (and so hot). He was punching the dugout and I thought about last summer.
The guy I met punched the dugout in anger kicking his helmet. It was scary I looked at Shandie.
"Is anyone going to stop him he's going to hurt him self." I say with slight worry
"He's going to ruin the dugout!" she says. We laugh
"Is it weird I find it hot?" I ask. We laugh again. I look down to see he has calmed down but his fists are tight. I want to go kiss this stranger. I look at shandie
"After the game find out what his name is!"
I sit down after feeling sad because surprisingly it's been a while since I though about the first day we met. I wonder if I ever really knew him. What if it was a lie the whole time? I will never understand how he went from being what I thought he was to being the worst person in one day. I put myself into this. I want him to pretend to love me again. I miss him. I miss having someone who was my other half. While he was my other half I was his secret and, he already had his other half months before his secret and his other half obviously fit better than I did. She was basically me but better. I wonder if he ever told her.
For the rest of the game I was distant and I didn't want to see Kenny anymore so Jason and I left.
"So, movies and ice cream at my house?" he asked
"Yes please!" I answer.
On the way to Jason's I cry. At Jason's I cry. I cannot stop crying Jason let's me cry because I need to. Jason pulls me to him
"I could fix you." he says. I don't need to be fixed
"Jason." I say
"Why do you love that asshole?" he asks
"It's not like I knew this would happen." I say
"But you did you always had a feeling. You told me countless times ." he says I'm honestly angry I sit up
"Yeah Jase. I knew that Kenny was going to take my virginity, act like he loved me and, leave me for his girlfriend. That's exactly what I thought." I say. As I stand up.
I leave I want to cry but I am out of tears. Why does his house have so many fucking stairs. I go through the kitchen and out the door. I see a white Honda truck. What the actual fuck. The truck honks. I know it's Kenny 70% of me says run as fast as you can but 30% is saying go hug him. Absorb his sent. Get lost into his eyes. Heat his laugh. Just pretend that nothing happened for one night. That is what I needed. This would put my plan ahead by days. I take a breath and walk to his truck. I open the door and I'm hit with the sent of everything I have been craving for months.
"Hey stranger." he says I sit down and close the door.
"How did you find me?" I asked looking straight.
"I made Ryan tell me." he says laughing.
"What?" I say angrily.
"Don't worry I didn't hit him he actually gave in pretty easily." he leans towards me too close
"I guess he isn't the only one who misses us." he says into my neck. I miss cuddling with him. He kisses my jaw lightly in the same place he did months ago I turn to him
"Lets go." I say he starts the truck knowing where I wanted to go. I look back at the house to see Jason on his porch my phone rang it was Jason.
"Hey." I say.
"Please come back Ella you're being so stupid please." he says his voice was filled with worry and sadness. I look over at Kenny he smiles at me like he used to and for a few moments it feels like last summer. I hang up on Jason "So I was sitting there punching the dugout and I thought of you." he says smiling not the smartass smile but the Kenny I fell in love with smile. His dimples were showing and his eyes where glowing. Once we are out of town he rolls down his window "Arivaderchi." he yells I smile at him. He smiles back with his real smile. I roll down my window and sit on the window
"Arivaderchi!" I yell the wind is warm and I feel like nothing happened and it was just Kenny and I again. I go back into the car.
"God I missed that." I say, missing the rush it gave me being with him.
"I miss us too Ella." he says while parking the car in our spot. Our spot is a parking lot at the lake we always used to go here everything happened here. He looks at me and just stares for awhile. I stare back he turns on the head lights and pulls me close
"For tonight let's pretend it's last summer before I fucked everything up." he says into my neck I cuddle him and he cuddles back he grabs my face and turns it towards him
"Just like last summer?" he asks. I nod "Just like last summer." I say. He puts his hand under the seat and hands me a twisted tea I grab it he opens his. "What?" he asks.
"I haven't drank in three months." I say "No it's last summer remember." he says taking a drink. I smile, open the tea and, take a drink. I look at Kenny and lean close to him
"Let's do this." I say. We smile at eachother and run out of the car. We run into the woods between the lake and the parking lot. Even though it's dark, we know what we are doing. We zig zag through trees laughing. I stop surprised and look to Kenny
"It's gone." I say
"Well shit." he replies and takes a drink "It has to be here somewhere who would take our boat?" he says
"Maybe the owner." I say
"It's ours! We put our names on it and who would take that boat it barley even worked as a boat!" he said I laughed but then realized it was not last summer.
The boat was just a reminder
"Hey its over here!" Kenny yelled I didn't realize he left. I walked over to him
"Let's do this!" he says I smile he knows it's fake
"Hey it's last summer." he says
"I wish it was that easy." I say and take a drink of my beer. We push the boat to the lake Kenny helps me in. I sit down
"Wait we need more beer!" I yell he laughs.
"Not tonight." he says and gets in the boat and starts to row us into the lake. "When I was in the blue gown with that blue hat. I had a lot of stuff at my mind and you where a big one. I miss you blabbing about your books and how your eyes light up when you talk about traveling the world. I miss calling you at midnight I miss this." he said looking at me. My eyes watering because I missed it too. He put up the ores and grabbed my face
"I am so sorry I broke you but, you need to know it broke me too." he says I grab his hands take a drink and lean over to him
"It's last summer." he kisses my jaw "Which month?" he asks
"June was my favorite." I say
"Then June it is."

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