white lies | r.lupin

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AVAILABILITY; open (was taken before)

TITLE; white lies

FACE CLAIM; connor franta as henry richardson** 

FACE CLAIM; connor franta as henry richardson** 

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andrew garfield** as remus lupin

andrew garfield** as remus lupin

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FANDOM(S); harry potter

LOVE INTEREST; remus lupin


"tell me pretty lies, look me in the face, tell me that you love me, even if it's fake."

in which a shy hufflepuff boy is desperate for remus lupin attention at any cost. even if it's fake.


henry is basically a smol bean that deserves the world and he's so precious. but remus is like 'naw, i'm straight af'. because he can't admit it to himself he's gay. so henry is over here like a lost puppy like 'why don't you love me'.

** you can use some else for henry (maybe troye sivan???)

*** changeable af. you can pick someone else if wanted

[side note; the lyrics used in the 'plot' section are actual song lyrics from 'idfc' by blackbear.]

- writersaid, (kay), fangirl_solangelo

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