And we begin...

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I need out. I've now been thrown into this downward spiral towards sin and depression.... There are things here,  people that I'm not supposed to be. What have I done?  What am I becoming?

I wrote this one when I was sitting in the car. I was just getting over a guy for the second time. We had never even dated, and yet I still fell for him. It seemed like the worst of it then... little did I know though.

After I finished it, I was literally crying my a** off on the inside. I would've been letting the tears fall, but then my mom got in the car and the last thing I wanted to do was let her see me cry. When I look back on it, I can see that I wasn't really crying because of him; I was crying because of all the feelings being with him had unearthed and how I had allowed myself to almost be taken advantage of.

To this day, I can still feel the advantage that he took over me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2017 ⏰

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