FT 2: There's something strange...

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~ F A I R Y T A I L 2 ~

"Ice make- prison!" Gray shouted as he jump above the dragon and caged it with a carved looking thing he casted to prevent the enemy from attacking. "Good job Gray!" Erza said as she put two thumbs up and requipped again to another form

"Erza!" Lucy screamed as Erza requipped then tried to attack the dragon with her sword, "I summon you! Gate of the Maiden key! Virgo!" Lucy said as she summon Virgo and helped the others,

"Virgo! Protect them!" Lucy said as Virgo nodded. She assisted minna and it was very helpful from the battle, but then the prison thing Gray casted was devoured and evaporated by the fire dragon roar the dragon made,

"Ice make- dagger rain!" Gray said as sharp daggers fell above the dragon injuring it somehow, just when the dragon was destructed by it, Erza prepared for an attack.

"Hayya!" As Erza tried to hit the dragon, she failed when she saw a man riding it located on the dragon's head, it looks like a wizard, a powerful wizard, "Eeeh!" The wizard said with an irritating sound then the dragon suddenly banished, like magic,

"What is that thing?" Lucy said as she approach it pushing Gray from behind as her cover up, "hey!" Gray complained as he look back but Lucy is pushing him, "Knock it off!"

"How dare you!" The wizard said as he point out the 3 who were almost at winning,

"Haa?" Lucy reacted as she gesture a confused look even Gray as Erza was positioned to attack anytime and prepared herself and thought it might be a trick so better get ready instead of losing one's life, "I shall punish you!" He said as he took out a bottle and opened it by taking the cover,

"I believe this is your friend!" After he said it, the bottle glowed to a purplish form and looks like something is coming out of it and its shrunken but when something is coming out, its returning to its normal size,

"N-Natsu?" Everyone said in unison, shocked too and confused why Natsu is there, "What did you do to him!!?" Lucy asked angrily and mad already, she was thinking how did Natsu caught up during his training or maybe this is a set up, she was confused,

"Well, he disturbed my good day sleep." The wizard answered. "Erzebulam!" He added then the wheather changed, it looks like its about to rain, "Gargamelion!" He said as he wave his hand and then platforms appeared and walls, the whole place we were in was covered with a wooden planks, "There's no escape!" He said, its all dark, we cannot see except the purplish glow of the bottle which is fading away somehow,

"Natsu!" Someone from aboved screamed, it was Happy. "Happy! Its dangerous here! Go back to the guild and tell everyone what happened!" Gray said as Happy was tearing up, "No! A fairy tail wizard doesn't abandon his friends! I'll come and save you!" Then he prepared for a quick attack but upon entering the covered walls, his wings banished.. "Ahhhhhh!" Happy screamed.

"Pathetic little cute creature! You can't use your powers within this rooms! There's a limit through everything! Even there where the walls are covered!" The wizard said as he made an evil laugh,

"Duble shaffle waffle raft!" After those words, he banished and the whole place was shifting.. Colapsing.. Inside the room was spinning and spinning... The 5 nakamas and comrades were feeling dizzy somehow and their heads like moving around, they feel like their souls are getting seperated from their own body,


Then the 5 woke up at last after s couple of minutes but they sensed that something strange is currently happening between them.

"My chest feels heavy somehow..." Natsu complained as he hold his back and stretched like what he always do,

"And my breast feels lightier.." Lucy said too when she knelt down on the ground still regaining her consciousness and strength,

"And its freezing!" Happy said as he stretched his arms and sneeze, "Hatchuu!"

"Its like my clothes seems to be heavy too.." Gray said as he touch his neck, "And what's this? It became hard." He said. "And what's this metallic thing and this big booby thing? Am i dreaming?" He added as he touch it,

"And it seems like I am wearing nothing..." Erza said as she touch her body,

"Wait a minute!" The 5 said as they all stood up and was shock,

"YOUR ME!" They said as they rub their eyes, "Uwaaaah!" Everyone panicked and Gray blushed about the thing happened, good thing no one saw it. He thought.

"What's going on?!"

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