Chapter 1 part one of four (Ethan aka Blade)

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The difference about this AU is that the turtles didn't originally started off as turtles, they started off as humans. If Blade wasn't mutated he would currently look like the picture that is on the top but has a different hairstyle and a bit more facial hair. I will give off a small bio for all of them on how they ended up in the orphanage in the first place. Then do the TRUE BACKSTORY on how they met and how they became turtles and what not. I will divide them in each into each chapter by the way. Thanks for reading!!!

  --- The Anomaly

Looks and description:

Blade is Donnie's doppelganger. He is 6'3 and is 23 years old. His body build is basically muscle but since he is tall his height makes him appear more thinner. He has a dark olive green skin tone and has scars scattered across his body which appear more as a lighter olive green color and a bit puffy, especially around his neck. He has crimson red eyes with a golden ring on the outer rim.

To hide most of his scars on his neck he usually wears a hunting mask thats a either a rich royal purple or a dark magenta color.  It covers the snout on down all the way until he reaches his neck. He is not embarrassed of his scars but to him are just a reminder of the complete hell him and his brothers went through long ago. Another reason why he wears this is because he is mute so communicating verbally won't be an issue anyway if he keeps it on or off. The fatal incident he went through caused him to be permanently mute. He communicates with his "brothers" through sign language and through texting if it's an elaborate plan. He wears his assassins jacket which is mostly black but has streaks of dark purple design on the back of the hood and the back of the jacket. (When I have time I will draw an actual look for him but for now go by this)

His chosen weapon is a Kukri and different sets of knives when he wants to be quick with his attacks. During his "mission" He likes to have most of his face unrevealed but his eyes revealed wanting his victims to see the pity yet furious look in his eyes before they take their last breath. Of course Blade cleans up good so there is barely any evidence left in the crime scene. So good that it looks like the victims committed suicide.


Blade is a strong willed leader like personality. He is possesses the ability to analyze a situation or problem quickly which gives off a since of authority and leader like qualities. He takes every task and responsibility seriously, which his "brothers" tease him about occasionally.. He is independent and likes to stick to his ideas rather than rely on others. Blade is very direct when it comes to questions or problems presented to him.

At the same time he has a drive in him to help those that he cares about, putting himself on the line if it has to come to it. He sometimes has rare moments that he likes to tease his "brothers" just to cheer them up. Believing that having an upset team will lead to disfunction. 

 Even though Blade strives for perfection he is inclined to self flaws. He likes to be in control of a situation as much as possible, not wanting anything to fall out of line which others can perceive as a control freak.  He takes things way to seriously even if it is something minor. He even sometimes worries about future problems and responsibilities that might not even happen, always preparing for the worse possible scenario.

My name is Ethan...

Ethan was the first out of the Assassins to be put in the orphanage.  He was a scrawny little eight year old with a snarky yet playful personality. He always tried to look on the brighter side of things rather than the bad. He had a caring mother that only wanted the best for her son even though she didn't know exactly how to do so. Ethan also had a blunt yet cruel father that mostly sat around and drank or go out with his friends. He never really developed a relationship with him and he always witnessed the abuse he would give his mother, even though they would think that he wouldn't notice. Not wanting to see her son witness these fights any longer, Ethan would mostly stay at his grandmothers house until things settle out.  While his mom dropped him off his grandmother's house she would complain and beg his mother to leave Ethan's father telling her that it was not safe time after time again. His mom would do the same thing and say. "Mother.. you don't understand... he loves me and I love him.. even though we fight we will work things out..." She would then give her a light kiss on the cheek and give Ethan a warm reassuring hug before going back to her home. Then the day after when Ethan returns he would see bruises on her mother's body occasionally around her arms and neck.

 One night before his mother dropped him off at his grandmother's house she looked spiritually drained. He could tell by that one single look something bad was going to happen. She smiled lightly at her son and hugged him. Ethan of course was a bit confused but was happy about the sudden affection from her, not knowing it would be his last moments with her. Before she left she told him that no matter what to be whoever he wants to be and strive for perfection in everything and everyone because he deserves the best. She then left him and that night ended up getting murdered by his father. His father then was on the run. Officers tried to find him for weeks but still no avail. 

While that was happening Ethan was staying at his grandmother's house. The government seeing that Ethan was in an unsafe environment immediately tried to take him out of his grandmother's home. His grandmother repeatedly fought for custody but failed because of her old age. She would call and beg for other family members to help but they didn't want to raise a child that wasn't theres or  didn't want his father to go after them because of Ethan. Ethan had no choice but to stay in the orphanage. In the beginning he became more secluded from the other children and more focused on his mother, grieving because of the lose of her and losing his grandmother. His heart started to turn a bit cold and started to develop the personality he has this current day, striving to perfection just to please or better yet make his mother proud.

If you're going through or in an abusive relationship please get out of it as soon as possible. Most of this is actually happened within my family and I would hate to see this potentially happen to someone else. Please seek help....

--- The Anomaly

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