The Horse

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She went you to see the horses
She loves each and every one of them
They each have a different personality
She loves each for different reasons
But one
There was one horse
One that she loved more than the rest
One that she connects with
She a girl with so many problems
Loves a horse with problems too
The horse gave her purpose
This black mustang was a light for her
As she hops in to pasture
the black beauty close with care in her heart
The girl lookes with love and said
My girl I have missed you
The mustang takes a step closer to say me too
The horse cuts her off from the rest of the herd
She is protective
The girl loves her so much that she doesn't care
She looks deep into the black beautys soul
She saw sadness and a scared horse
The horse was with child and old
The girl cried because see knew
She knew that her baby could have a miscarriage
But she knew she could lose her in the process
The girl broken down crying and couldn't control it
She was scared
To lose the horse that she loves so
Black beauty comforts the girl
Tell her that it's alright with just a nudge
The girl gave her a hug but mustang pulled away
She forget every time that your not a hugger
She laughes wither her head Bob
The girl just stare at her then said
I love you and I know you can make this
The tears flood her checks
Black beauty pushes closer to so love
She knows that this horse was a dark but her heart was not
This horse has been though hell like the girl
She know that this black beauty didn't know how to trust
But neither did the girl
They learned how to from each other
This Moment of friendship only made her sader
She loves this Horse
She never thought she would find her
A companion
A friend
This horse was always in the shadows of her mind
She was always thinking of her
This mustang changed her for the better
And she changed that horse for the better too
The though that she wouldn't be in her life was to sad to think of
She could never live with out her best friend again.

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