This little choice

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There was a girl
A girl with dreams
Dreams to escape
To escape from her life
So she did
She fell in love with the tall, dark haired  man
She worked at the rescue they gave her Joy
She helped animals recover from abuse
She graduated high school with the GPA of a 3.5
She was happy
The girl had escaped her life
She opened her eyes and it was all gone
Everything she had built was gone
But only to realize it was just a dream
The girl cried and cried feeling depressed and upset
The only Escape she had was her sleep
As she goes though the day taking care of everyone but herself
The urge to go back to her best friend grows
Her best friend is the name of her favorite blade
As she walks home from school alone and upset
The tears fall for her face as she begins to run
She runs downstairs slam the door behind
Sitting on the cold bathroom floor
pulling out a plastic baggie from her bra
She begins to cry harder
From the baggie she pulls out the blade
One cut
two cut
3 cut
4 cut
And You know what
It did stop there
5 cut
6 cut
7 cut
8 cut
As the blood runs from the deep cuts the Tears start to fall
The pain
All the scars the pain leaves
Her wrist becomes stun with pain
She looks down to see the tears dripping into her cuts
The blood and the tears Mix and fall to the floor
She picks her body up with what strength she has left
She cleans up her wrists
And it begins to write
The words flow from her brain so smoothly on to the paper
She wrote down everything her thoughts her feelings
After doing so she felt better
She was done
Done with the self-harming done with the depression
She jumped in her car and drove to work
It wasn't her hours but she came down to visit her baby
A pregnant Mustang who is due any day
Has the girl sat in her stall
She made a promise to the horse
She promised not to cut again and to get better but only for her
As the tears fall down her cheeks the horse Comforts her
She left the stall and walk to the dumpster where she tossed the blade in
That was the hardest thing for her to do
To toss away her Escape
But she did
The scars the pain leaves both physically and mentally
That day she made a choice
Depression isn't a choice but recovery is

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