Chapter Two

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~Third Person POV~

Adrien shifted in his seat, barely able to contain his excitement. Tonight was the night that he would confess his feelings to the girl he loves. Tonight would be the night that everything would change, for better or for worse-though he hoped it would be for better.

Suddenly the bell rang, snatching him out of his dreamy stupor and returning him to the class full of people, all of whom were rushing for the door because-school was over. And that meant only a few more hours until Ladybug!

Adrien jumped up, grabbing his bag and going to stand by Nino, who was conversing with Marinette and Alya.

"Hey guys." He said, a grin on his face. Marinette froze when he walked up, and he hoped he wasn't interrupting anything.

In fact, he had interrupted something-Marinettes thought process. As Alya continued to talk to Nino, Marinette felt her brain exploding with happiness.

'Adrien! Yay!' Was pretty much the capacity her brain could work at for the moment. He had never stood so close before-except for that time he had fallen on her. And that other time when he had asked for her autograph on the Jagged Stone CD cover she had designed. And that time when-

"Marinette!" Alya's voice snapped Marinette back to the present and she thought she saw Adrien stifling a chuckle.

"What? What is it?" Marinette said, glancing around.

Alya laughed. "Nino and I were just thinking that maybe we should go to the movies, just the four of us." She said, sending Marinette a secret wink.

A wide grin spread across Marinette's face. 'The movies? With Adrien? That would be-' she gasped, another thought interrupting the one before it. She had promised to meet up with Chat Noir tonight.

She sighed. "I can't." She said sadly. Alya looked shocked.

"What do you mean you can't?" She asked suspiciously.

"I-I promised, uh.. I promised Papa that I would help decorate the cakes tonight! Yeah, that's it, the cakes. I wanted to try out this new design..." Marinette said, blushing slightly at the lie.

Alya rolled her eyes. "Fine, whatever Marinette."

"Maybe another time." Adrien spoke up with a smile in Marinette's direction, who turned red and nodded dumbly.

"Yeah yeah, another time." She said, nodding vigorously and only stopping when Alya punched her arm. Nino and Adrien both laughed.

"Alright, we'll have to plan that then. Well I've got to go. See you around!" Adrien said, waving as he walked toward the car that had just driven up to the curb of the sidewalk. Marinette lifted her hand and waved back.

Nino nodded. "I've gotta head off too. See ya t-I mean, later Alya! Bye!" Alya laughed and waved as Nino ran off in the direction of his house.

Alya rounded on Marinette. "You just missed the perfect chance to go to the movies with Adrien! What happened?!"

Marinette sighed. "I told you, I promised Papa that I would help frost cakes tonight! I'm sorry. But at least Adrien said we could plan something later!"

Alya shook her head. "I don't know what I'm going to do with you, girl." She glanced down at her watch. "Well, I gotta split. See you tomorrow!"

Marinette nodded. "See ya!" She called as she began to walk down the street in the direction of her house.


~Chat Noir's POV~

I paved nervously at the top of the Eiffel Tower. I had been in such a hurry to see Ladybug that I had gotten here almost a half hour early. I checked the time on my staff.

11:27. I sighed in relief. Ladybug should be here any minute now. As I looked at at Paris, hoping to see my bug swinging through the city, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I swung around to see Ladybug standing there, one hand on her hip.

"Ladybug!" I exclaimed, feeling both excited and nervous as I looked her. "I'm so glad you came. Come on, sit down." I grabbed her hand and lead her over to a bench that I had brought up earlier as I was waiting.

"Sit down, Bugaboo, I have something to tell you." I said, my heart beginning to beat faster.

Ladybug sighed and sat on the bench, watching me expectantly. I took in a deep breath and began.

"You have no idea how long I have waited for this moment." I can feel my hands shaking so I clasp them behind my back and out of sight. I take in a shaky breath before continuing. "For as long as I have known you you have been the best friend a cat could ask for, always there for me and watching my back, saving me from these akuma attacks like it was nothing. And I knew, from the second I met you, that I... that I love you, Ladybug." I watch her hopefully, trying to gauge her reaction. I know my face must be bright red by now, and I can see a tinge of blush in her cheeks. Hopefully that's a good sign.

Ladybug opened her mouth, then closed it a again, taking in a small breath.

"Wow, Chat. I-I don't know what to say." She stood, pacing a bit. "That's definitely not what I expected to hear when I came here tonight..."

I watch her pace. "Well.. what did you expect to hear?" I ask in a quieter voice.

"I expected to hear something along the lines of 'Ladybug I want to know your secret identity.' That I would've been prepared for. But this!" She turned to me, a frown on her face.

"Chat, I-I don't like you like that. You are my best friend, and the best partner a girl could ask for, but Chat... I just don't think something like that could ever work out between us." Ladybug shook her head.

"B-but, M'Lady-"

"I said no, Chat. I like someone else." She cut me off.

I stare down. "I know, but you must have a bit of feeling in your heart for this old cat. We could try-"

"Chat Noir! I told you no. I don't like you like that! You're the best friend a bug could ask for, but that doesn't mean I want to date you. I'm sorry, Chat. It just can't happen." With that my ladybug turned away from me and jumped of the tower, swinging away into the night.

I run to the edge to watch her leave, and when she disappears from my sight I go and sit down on the bench, pulling my knees up to my chest. Tears filled my eyes.

I can't believe that just happened. I can't believe I was just blown off by the love of my life.

I close my eyes to hold off the tears. 'C'mon Chat. At least she stills thinks of you as a friend. A best friend, even!' I think as I try to rationalize my rejection.

I hear a flutter of wings but I don't look up to see where it came from. I feel one of the wings of this creature brush my finger as it lands on my ring. And suddenly, I hear a voice in my head.

"Chat Blanc. I've been waiting for this moment."


A/N: Oooooh cliffhanger!! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment, I'll be uploading the next chapter soon! Thanks for reading!

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