[ Three ]

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The next day I hurriedly took a bathe, did my personal necessities and walked my way to the coffee shop.

Is she even there today?

I hope so...

I arrived at the coffee shop just in time before it rain and found the place where I usually sit.

Upon sitting down I was full of delight and it felt like everything was okay now.

I was full of relief and I usually don't feel this way but I felt giddy.

In other words, I was happy.

She was here.

She was wearing a blue floral sundress and once again her blue oceanic hair was down.

She was drinking her Cappuccino coffee as usual and in her hand was a book just like yesterday.

Afternoon came and still she didn't notice that he was there.

She doesn't know you're here, Idiot!

He wished for her to look at his direction.

Even if it's just a glance.

Why won't I just man up and start a conversation? Maybe ask if what book she was reading? Even though you actually sucked at books.

Because of my stupidity, I went to the bathroom to knock some balls out of me just because I was too nervous to talk to a girl. 

Big mistake, because when I came back...

She was gone.

♡Her Blue Hair (Gruvia FanFic)♡Where stories live. Discover now