Ch 5- Never letting go

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Previously on Dating The Team Captain

"Oh my god..."

"It's fine every one of our friends had decided to help out with your school work"

"No! That's not it! You probably missed so many basketball games and practices, and I even missed your birthday! I'm the worst girlfriend ever!" She starts to cry

Natsu's P.O.V

I couldn't help but just stare at her, she meant all the things she said, she wasn't happy.

"Just dump me all ready! What are you waiting for! Be like all the other men in my life!" She sits up and looks away from me


"JUST GET RID OF ME ALREADY! JUST GO DATE THAT DEVIL ALREADY! I KNOW YOU DONT WANT ME ANY MORE! JUS G-" before she could finish her sentence I go in front of her and start to kiss her I then let go

"Lucy! Please just let me speak! I don't care if I missed basketball practice, and I don't care if you missed my birthday, I just don't care! Though whole 2 weeks I couldn't even focus on anything besides you! Not even my birthday kept me from it thinking of you and praying you would get better soon! All I wanted was to see you open your eyes again and you did! That's all I care about princess" I place and hand on her cheek then she jumps on me and starts to tear up

"Th-thank you!" She tightens her grip and doesn't let go

"I'm never letting go again, ever"

----Time Skip----
One month later

"Natsu the lights look gorgeous!"

"Ha well I'm glad you like them, I tired my best to get them hidden in well with the fake leaves but you know they kept falling out"

"Ahh just think about it! In a week it's already going to be thanks giving! And I get to stuff my face with tons of food!"

"Your funny babe but, the food is mine!" I tackle Lucy on the couch and start to tickle her stomach

"NATSU!! STOP I-I C-C-CANT BREA-TH!!" She try's to push me off but I just keep going

"Ok then I'll stop, with my hands" I grab her wrist and push them above her head holding them there with my hands, I slowly starts to kiss her necks and slowly go down to her stomach

"N-natsu" I couldn't take my eyes off of her, she was perfect, she was an angel. She was my angle and my princess. I started at her bare stomach and her side where there is a little scar from the incident last month. All she had on was a cute pink laces bra and a big white button down shirt, and some underwear, she had grown comfortable with wearing what ever she wanted around me.
I got back into basketball and found out we still won all our games, and the ones I was back in we still won, Lucy celebrates my birthday the day she got back from the hospitable. It was really cute and sweet, she set up a little fort with a tv, pillows, blankets, fake candles and a birthday cake.


"Ya what's wrong? Am I hurting you! I'm sorry!"

"No your not, it's just, I love you baby" I let go of her hands and wrap my arms around her waist then she wraps her arms around me and her legs. I get up and walk into my bedroom and I set her on my bed. I slowly look at all of her body taking in her perfection the curves in her waist, the little belly fat, her perfectly rounded thighs, her perfect sized breast, and her gorgeous chocolate brown eyes that shined in any light.

Dating The Team Captain (A Nalu story!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora