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Authors Note: sorry for not updating, had loads of exams :) please comment and vote!!
I walk into the classroom trying to look as confident as I can. I choose a seat next to a girl who looks friendly enough. She has dark hair and an olive complexion, her brown eyes are lined with a thick layer of kohl.
"I'm Christina, but you probably already know that. You're Tris Prior, the new kid. Also I'll allow you to be my friend since you're new." She tells me confidently. Slightly flabbergasted, I nod my head. Watching the clock, I count down the minutes until lunch. The frail looking woman at the front warbles on a about something to do with Henry the fifth. I practically jump out my seat when the bell rings. Christina joins my side as we enter the canteen.
"So you look pretty cute, but we need to do something about your hair and do you where makeup, you could do with a bit."
She states. I simply decide to keep my mouth shut. She leads me to a table in the far corner of the canteen. She looks at me for a long time before stating, "you've met Tobias haven't you."
"Uhh, yeah, how did you know?" I question, slightly startled that she knew.
"It's pretty obvious, you've got a far away look on your face, that tends to happen a lot when people meet him," she says. I flush hoping that I wasn't that obvious.
"Hey Trish, how's my favourite fresh meat?" A recognisably deep voice rumbles from my left. Tobias glances down at me before sliding into the booth with a boy with dark wavy hair.
"This is my wingman, Will," he tells me patting Will roughly on the back. Feeling too nervous to say anything, I let Christina talk with the boys, which she manages to do with ease.
"So, will you?" Tobias' voice brings me out of my daze.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2017 ⏰

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