Chapter 11

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“You can’t really blame the dude babe, you not really the most approachable woman I know.” Tim said matter-of-factly as I sipped on my coffee.

He was shocked when I had called him from the cab, but I knew no matter what happened he would be there for me. I arrived at his front door an absolute mess. I feel so betrayed, by my mind, my heart and of course Marco.

“Tim, this is no time for the bro-code. You’re supposed to me on my side!” I tried to lift the mood a little.

“You know I don’t believe in that bro-code crap, I tell it like it is. I don’t know him well enough to judge him, but what I do know speaks volumes about the person he is. No matter what his ulterior motive is, he did settle your dad’s debt. He has paid for Chrissy to go to Med School.”

“We would’ve figured out a way to pay for Christine’s studies!” I tried defending myself.

“Roxy, really, look at your suite! Colour coded and furnished perfectly to suit your personality. Shit most husbands don’t know that much about their wives after 20 years of marriage, so I don’t see that you got such a bad end of the stick.” He was being as unbiased as possible, but it still felt like he was on Marco’s side.

“Okay okay, I’m going to sleep on your sofa tonight. I’ll worry about this in the morning after a decent night’s sleep.” I gave in and started getting ready to call it a night.

“Babe take my bed rather, I’ve gotta get up early for work in the morning and I know I’ll wake you if you in the living room.” Tim was always putting other people first.

“Are you sure? I don’t want to kick you out of your own bed!” I would like to have a late lie-in tomorrow morning. I already texted Kim to ask if she’d open the shop, seeing as she had my car aswell.

“Would I have offered if I wasn’t sure?” Tim grinned at me as he fetched a pillow and a duvet.

“Thanks Timmy Tim, make sure to lock when you leave in the morning please.” I gave him a big hug, one of the few men I knew I could always rely on.

“Hey! You stopped calling me Timmy Tim over 10 years ago!” He laughed as he shoved me away jokingly.

“Goodnight TIM, thank you for everything.”

“Goodnight sunshine.”

As I closed his room door behind me I felt as if I was going to burst into tears. But I refused to give Marco that control over me again. I should be laying across my four poster bed screaming in ecstasy by now, not huddled in another guys apartment crying like a school girl.

I climbed into bed, only then realizing how exhausted I was. I quickly fell asleep.

“What the fuck is going on here?” I heard a man screaming as the bedroom door swung open. I looked up and saw Marco standing in the doorway like a bull in a china shop, ready to destroy everything in sight.

“Marco, what the hell are you doing here and how did you get in in the first place?” I was still half asleep, trying to figure out if I was really awake or if this was a dream. I know the temptress in me would enjoy him smashing down doors to come fetch his woman, but the feminist in me would be deeply offended.

“We have our first argument and you go running into the bed of your bestfriend! It seems I was mistaken about you, you are like all the women I’ve dated before.”

“How dare you! You stalk me, have me investigated and then accuse me of being a hussy!”

“Well you went straight from my arms into anothers, what do you expect me to think?” he seemed hurt, betrayed and my heart was aching to tell him how I really felt, but my mind was not going to let him hurt me any further.

Every Rose has a Thorne (last chapter being redrafted & all editing being done)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora