Rescue You ( A Weeknd Short Story pt 4)

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   I started to ask myself if she knew anything. She couldn't, I only told Julia. I wish I hadn't. I wouldn't be surprised if she were at the concert. Probably not though, she's probably up under Jason somewhere. Slutty bitch. "Why you lookin' like that?" Sheily asked, laughing. "Like what?" I snapped out of my thoughts. "Like you about to kill somebody." I laughed. "I just can't believe she would to that, and then she had the nerve to tell me to get out, like bitch, that's MY house." Sheily and I started laughing. "I never liked Julia, it was just something about her." She said, and continued to do my makeup.

   Finally, we were done with the makeup, hair, clothes, and we were on our way to the club. I got nervous. What if he doesn't remember me? What if he does remember me? Is he different now? Has the fame gotten to him? 1,000,000 questions ran through my head and I started to develop a headache. "You alright?" Sheily asked, sensing my nervousness. I nodded. Once we were there, it was packed. I highly doubt we would be able to get any tickets. It was last minute. "Were not gonna get in without any tickets..." I mumbled. "Who say we didn't have any tickets...?" Sheily slowly pulled out 2 tickets from her pocket. I smiled. "Let's go in then." I pretend to be excited. I was, but I was more nervous then excited.

   We had front row seats... which made me even more nervous. He started with High For This, but I could barely hear him singing. All I heard were the fans. It was annoying as fuck, especially because the girl next to me sounded like a drowning seal or some shit. Right now he was in the middle of Wicked Games, which was Sheily's favorite song. I caught myself singing the words and getting lost in the music. I didn't even notice him staring at me. Wait... what? "Oh my god, he's staring at me!" The girl with the horrible voice suddenly shouted in my ear. I ignored her, and continued to stare at Abel. He looked so different, in a good way. He grew out his hair. I never really liked guys with a lot of hair, but it looked sexy on him. When the song was over, the beat to Rescue You started playing. I gasped, wanting to tell Sheily about the encounter I had with him, how he sung that exact song to me. I highly doubted she would believe me, who would? As he got to the chorus he stated to make his way towards me. We stared into eachothers eyes like we were the only two people there. He held his hand out, singing to me. Sheily grabbed my hand and through it onto Abels. He massaged the back of my hand with his thumb and kissed it. I smiled, and couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the night...♡


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