
14 2 2

Seattle Washington

      The rain pattered against the street landing in puddles on the sidewalk. As the figure walked they kept their head down cast allowing their eyes to wonder every once and a while to check that someone wasn't hot on their tail. The rain slipped down the figures body and through the dark black fabric causing a shiver to run down their spine. Just have to make it a few more blocks and then—


  That was all it took before the mysterious figure, in the black hood, took off at a dead run. The sound of feet sloshing through puddles could be heard from a mile away. However at two a.m. who would be up enough to really care?


There was a bang and it all went black.


      Beep Beep Beep.
Azure hues fluttered ever so slightly. What the hell was that infernal noise?

"Lily hun?"

  Opening my eyes to focus at the sound of my name being called by a sweet and familiar sounding voice; at first all I was able to see was haze, but when a face came into view I did my best to push my aching body up into a sitting position.

"Aunt May?"

A gentle yet firm well warn hand, from years of baking no doubt, pushed me back onto the pillow and brushed through my tangled chocolate locks;just as I had remembered from when I was little. Although I would have gladly sunk back into the pillow and warmth of the blanket any how. My everything hurt at that moment, and I just wanted to close my eyes and go back under. But I couldn't. At least not until I figured out why my aunt had come all the way from Dayton Beach, to Seattle.

"Aunt May? Why are you here?"

  At first there was no response from the older woman. She just sat running her fingers comfortingly through my hair for the time being before she gently spoke.

"Uncle John and I are here to take you back to Dayton with us."

Dayton? My eyes shot wide open. I had almost just went back under; having cuddled back into a small ball under the white sheets. I knew I shouldn't have trusted her kindness; after all who was ever kind to a street rat kid with an awol mother? Why was I being taken to Dayton? My life was here in the streets with Ryland, and the others not in freaking Dayton.


  The older woman seeming to have expected this reaction from her niece, kept her voice calm and level.

   "Lily, I realize that your upset love, but you could have been killed tonight. Your mother and I, well we both agree that a change of scenery will be good for you."

   A change of scenery? If my mother... Who never really was there for me in the first place, thought she was doing what was best for me she was insane. If she wanted to help then maybe she shouldn't take off with her boyfriends for months on end, and leave me to fend for myself while the bills piled high.

"Aunt May, I love you, but I don't need a mother. I'm doing just fine on my own."

  My face contorted painfully, in a way that it could freeze it was so ugly, as I was hardly able to get the words out. My lower abdomen hurt majorly. Reaching over my hand, but never stopping her stroking motions my aunt hit a button.

  "Get some rest my darling we will talk more on the subject when you are feeling better."

It was clear in her eyes... She thought I was caving, but before I had time to argue that I was fine and didn't need her; it went black again and I slipped back under into the beautiful sea of unconsciousness.

Wondering Pilgrim {ON HOLD}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt