Ends to start

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I woke up with the rays of sun falling on my face. Today's day was something different. Everyone was sleeping with paints on their faces. I remembered everything of the curse and felt like to laugh out loud on these stupid superstitious people but I stopped myself from laughing and tip toed to the garden for morning walk before getting myself ready for school.
But I don't know today I was feeling very weird may be because of yesterday's fever.
When I came back I heard sounds of crying and shouting. There was a chaos around my bed. I walked up to lily to ask about the chaos but she didn't listen. I was not getting a slightest idea of what was going on there and there was no one giving response to me.
Finally sisters sent some girls out for some work when I finally got the passage to my bed.
I stood there frozed to death seeing my bed. My body was in front of me and sisters around it were crying. I thought it to be a dream when suddenly juhi took the red rose I kept on one side of my bed yesterday in my dream.
"Its the curse of the red rose. See this rose lying here and see this silent pale face. I told her to apply paints but this girl made our fun. Now see, she lies here dead."
" stop it juhi, not today. Because of your stubbornness we lost her and now after that you are mocking at her."
Suddenly I remembered my dream of that man on the horse.
No ....... It was not a dream. That man killed me and I did not get the slightest idea. But when did he killed me ? I don't have the slightest clue.
Suddenly I heard the cries of some people.
Oh no , my mom came running like a wind and started crying near my body. My father came after her and was trying to console her but I could see it was  difficult for him to control his tears because he knew he was the only one who had to stand and make my mum strong enough to fight this time.
But I had no courage to see my parents crying there on my body and I can't see me there lying lifeless, so I ran out of the room just going in the direction of where my soul was taking me. I didn't have the slightest clue of where I was going to land now. But at this moment I just wanted to run, run away from all this chaos going on in my life.

THE RED ROSE PRINCEOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant