Life and death: opposite sides of same coin

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The palace was far more beautiful than it looked from outside. There was a big hall and there was  big throne in the center opposite to walls of the entrance. I guess it was for the prince. But the whole castle was not lit. On either sides of the hall there were stairs. There was a darker corner of the hall where a big piano was placed.
Do ghosts play piano and other instruments. This was really amusing.
This question was answered by Erika.
"Rose, remember we all were humans before we died...
We all have the capabilities to read and write, sing and dance....
We do everything which a normal living person does...
We all have desires, we are like living people but with little differences...
We are more powerful unlike alive people.
We too dance, sing, be happy, be sad, be angry....
You don't need to think you are dead...just enjoy your life - the life after death...."
I went near the piano and placed my fingers on it
" Who plays the piano here ?"
" Its our lord, who pours his feelings on these black and white keys of piano."
This time it was Elisabeth who answered. She was his 20th wife and spoke very little.
" Yes, He has 99 now 100 wives to share his feelings to but in true sense he has no one to share his happiness, sadness ..."
Erika said.
" I don't get it why he kills a lady every year when he actually don't want them..I wish we all could get free someday from his clutches." Mariam  sighed.
I nodd  my head in response to Mariam's words.
"Shh....are you out of your mind. Keep your views with you. Walls too have ears.If he gets to know what we speak of him he will sentence us black water forever."
Flora spoke this time
I was getting acquainted to new new words now
" what is black water?."
" black water is a small hole in the space. The one who enters it can never return....
It is more dangerous then a hell."
Erika answer my question.
They all started talking about some random stuff when suddenly my eyes caught a sight of a beautiful red rose near the window. So I went towards the window when suddenly somebody pushed me and I fell on the floor. I turned around to see who was there but to my surprise it was a small cute puppy.
"Meet him, Sparkle, Lord's beloved dog. He was with him when he was alive and now when he is dead."
I exclaimed as I never thought of a dog's demise in a man's memory...
"  No one knows how he became the prince of darkness. But all we know is that when lord died, Sparkle was with him and soon the depression of demise of his master killed him."
After listening to Sparkle's story I hugged him so tightly pouring all my love into the heart of the poor creature.

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