Admirer ▸Kageyama Tobio

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Requested by: BlueKags
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You were peacefully reading your manga at your desk, swinging your legs back and forth while you sat down. Without notice, someone walked up to you.

"E-excuse me, but do you think you could help me on my homework?" a male classmate of yours, with jet black hair, came up to you and asked. You looked up from your manga and just stared at him.

"Umm...well..." you were lost in thought, completely confused on what you should answer. You didn't want to be rude and reject the offer, but you also didn't feel like helping this guy and stop reading your manga.

"S-so is that a yes or no?" he asked as he tapped his left foot on the floor continuously.

"I-I don't know..." you squeaked, afraid that you could've made him mad. Whenever you couldn't think of an answer, your answer would always come out as 'I don't know' because it was the easiest answer to everything. But it wasn't necessarily the best answer choice.

"What? I-I couldn't hear you. Could you...speak louder?" he looked at you in confusion, tilting his head to the side a little as swifts of his black bangs swayed a little. His face looked kind of angry, and it scared you a bit.

"I..said I don't know..." you spoke a little louder, but still non-audibly due to your fear.


Your face flushed deep red as you gave up with talking to this guy. You got up, apologizing to the male before running out of the classroom.

'Why did I have to act so awkward!' you thought to yourself, reflecting back on your actions.

After getting out of the classroom, you came back to class. You tried avoiding the other guy you talked to earlier because you didn't want things to be awkward between the two of you.

After school, you quietly trudged to your locker after a long day of exhausting schoolwork and interaction with people. Your day wasn't the greatest today, but every other day wasn't either.

You finally arrived from your long journey to your shoe locker. You sighed, slowly opening the metal box with vents on it, taking your shoes out. But before you could do that, you noticed a slip of paper.

" must be that secret admirer I keep getting notes from..." you said to yourself in surprise, forgetting the fact that you had an admirer in the first place.

You opened up the little slip of white paper.

'Explaining my love for you is like explaining the taste of water. Impossible.
-your secret admirer'

You smiled to yourself, while your heart rate rapidly started to increase. This secret admirer of yours would always write a heartwarming note to you that filled joy in you. They we're all different, but you still smiled and blushed all the same.


You groaned loudly. Another day of school. Great.

You got ready and headed outside, walking to Karasuno. As you walked, the sun's blazing heat beats down on you, causing you to slowly die in the stuffy uniform you were wearing.

If your day could've gotten any worse, it did. You just remembered that you had a test today. You groaned again, but louder this time.

Reaching the school, you came across your locker and stumbled upon another note. You quickly opened it up, hoping that this one simple note would brighten your mood.

Haikyuu ↣ OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt