the old Milo

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December 24th, 1965
Today was Christmas Eve and Milo's dad was throwing an annual Christmas party at the church, since he was recently promoted to be priest. Mom made her homemade cookies and of course Jessica helped, being the angel child she is.
I gazed at the houses covered in flickering green and red Christmas lights strewn all over the place as our car drives past them. Once we arrived at the church the first person I noticed was Milo.
He looked normal. Not creepy at all. I missed my old friend. Should I give him a second chance? i walked up to him, and smiled slightly.

"Joey, it wasn't me..." he confessed.

"um...what?" i asked.

"he..." Milo trailed off "he hypnotized me, i was in some sort of trance".

"who hypnotized you?" i asked when suddenly i realized who he was talking about. in the corner of the church i saw the faceless man, with the stringy black hair.

i gasped as i felt someone tug at my arm.

"c'mon, mom wants you to be at the bleachers" urged Julio.

"fuck off" i growled.

he let go and shrugged, making sure to mutter "no wonder, i'm mom's favorite".

i rolled my blue orbs.

"as you were saying?" i said to Milo.

before he could reply the priest told us to sit down, politely. i groaned. so many interruptions! i suddenly realized i groaned really loud because the Priest furrowed his eyebrows at me and everyone's eyes were glued onto me.

"would you like to explain to everyone what is more important than the worship of god, Josephine" said to Priest.

"fine" i exclaimed.

i hopped right onto the stage and held the microphone really close to my lips. i smiled in a really bubbly way before exclaiming "your all going to hell, see you there" everyone gasped as i glared towards my mom and yelled "slut" into the speaker.

i stormed out of the church, stifling a laugh. Milo ran after me.

"what was that all about?!" he shouted.

"you should've seen the looks on their faces" i giggled.

he failed at keeping a straight face and we both started bursting out in laughter. This was the Milo I knew. This was my best friend

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